[icann-see] [Was: Apply now Balkan School on Internet Governance] Few questions to consider

Liljana Pecova liljana.pecova at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 12:39:29 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

thanks all for opening up the question of School -like initiative. I was
considering the same after EURODIG's meeting since we all urge and pledge
for the need for establishing here (in SEE and Macedonia especially) kind
of a Center for Internet for youngsters. I have been educating high school
students on safe internet and data protection issues for four years, but as
each year the graduates are leaving I am thinking of the way to retain
those target groups and educated students to continue the process of
peer-to peer education. So, to answer your question more precisely, YES, we
do need kind of an education-initiative and support to establish it. I
would be very much grateful if this could be discussed and take it into
consideration. I would be very happy if there is a possibility for this
idea to be supported.


On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 8:05 AM, Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Sorina,
> Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
> And as an individual SEEDIG community member, I will say that I support
> increased collaboration whenever possible to achieve shared goals and
> promote Internet governance throughout the region, in which ever way that
> can manifest. Some individuals in Eastern Europe are thinking of launching
> a school there, so it might be unnecessary to have a dedicated SEE+ school,
> for instance. Instead, it might be better to support new and existing
> initiatives.
> Best,
> -Michael
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 8:53 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi, everyone.
>> Michael, although with some delay, I am joining the others in wishing you
>> and your colleagues best of luck with the Balkan School.
>> Following up on questions asked here and on the NRIs list about Moldova
>> and Kosovo (as countries not covered by BSIG), and taking into account
>> Michael's previous suggestion about researching if there is a school
>> focused on Eastern Europe, I would like to launch some questions for
>> everyone on the list:
>> There have long been discussions in SEEDIG's executive committee about
>> additional ways in which SEEDIG could contribute to building capacity in
>> Internet governance across what we call 'SEE and the neighbouring area'
>> (SEE+). The idea of a SEE+ school-like initiative was among them. So my
>> questions would be: Do you see the need for such an initiative for the
>> extended region? And, if so, would this be something SEEDIG should be
>> looking into? Maybe as an extension to its Fellowship Programme and Youth
>> School (i.e. not necessarily as another event, but rather as a build-up of
>> what is already in place)?
>> Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you.
>> Best regards,
>> Sorina
>> On 19 June 2017 at 11:44, Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Veronica,
>>> Thank you for your interest! Unfortunately, we are not accepting
>>> applications from Moldova this year. There is a possibility of opening it
>>> up in the future to other countries, but for now I recommend looking into
>>> the European Summer School on Internet Governance or researching if there
>>> is such a school focusing on Eastern Europe.
>>> Best,
>>> -Michael
>>> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Mocanu Veronica <
>>> mocanuveronica at mail.ru> wrote:
>>>> Dear Michael,
>>>> Thank you for information provided, congratulations and Good luck!!!
>>>> Do you accept applications from Moldova?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Veronica
>> --
>> Sorina Teleanu
>> Digital Policy Senior Researcher
>> DiploFoundation
>> www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org | digitalwatch.giplatform.org
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