[icann-see] Free Webinar - European arena of digital rights - opportunities for cooperation and funding

Anelia Dimova adimova at mtitc.government.bg
Tue Jun 20 10:21:46 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Kindly find attached SEEDIG on European Data Portal with Open Data Slot!


Kind regards


From: icann-see [mailto:icann-see-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Sorina Teleanu
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 1:19 PM
To: Bogdan Manolea <bogdan at legi-internet.ro>
Cc: SEEDIG list <icann-see at rnids.rs>
Subject: Re: [icann-see] Free Webinar - European arena of digital rights - opportunities for cooperation and funding

Hi, everyone.

Bogdan, thank you for talking about SEEDIG at this webinar.

I am taking this opportunity to encourage everyone on this list to contribute to spreading the work about SEEDIG, within your communities and at the events you are attending. SEEDIG can only grow and be strengthened through a joint effort.

Best regards,


On 16 June 2017 at 09:15, Bogdan Manolea <bogdan at legi-internet.ro<mailto:bogdan at legi-internet.ro>> wrote:
Hi guys,

We will organize next week (more precisely on Wednesday, June 21, 2017;
10:00, Brussels Time (CEST), a webinar called "European arena of digital
rights - opportunities for cooperation and funding".

I hope that would be interesting for you to participate, but also feel
free to share the link in you communities, as the
participation is free

Btw, in my presentation I'll also mention the SEEDIG as an opportunity
for regional cooperation on Internet Governance issues & more.

Best regards

Bogdan Manolea
Director Executiv
Asociatia pentru Tehnologie si Internet - ApTI
+40 721 205 603<tel:%2B40%20721%20205%20603>

This webinar aims to reach to people and/or small organisations
interested in finding what are cooperation and funding opportunities for
European digital rights.

In this webinar you can find out more about the network of european
digital rights (EDRi), cooperation opportunities for copyright reform
advocates and other opportunities. Plus, a session about funding
opportunities for digital rights. We also hope that you may share your
expertise in cooperation with digital rights peers from around Europe.


Online, register here:

Draft Agenda

10:00 - 10:05, Bogdan Manolea/ApTI, Introduction - scope and purpose of
the event

10:05 - 10:25, Katarina Bartovicova/EDRi, Funding opportunities for
digital rights

10:25 - 10:45, Guillermo Peris/EDRi, EDRi as a network of digital rights
- what is it, who is involved, what subjects, opportunities for
cooperation, how to get involved

10:45 - 11:05, Dimitar Dimitrov/Wikimedia, Cooperation for the copyright

11:05 - 11:25, Bogdan Manolea/ApTI, Other opportunities for cooperation
in Europe on digital rights - regional and beyond

11:25 - 12:00 Sharing other opportunities from participants, Q&A session

Bogdan Manolea
Director Executiv
Asociatia pentru Tehnologie si Internet - ApTI
+40 721 205 603<tel:%2B40%20721%20205%20603>

Sorina Teleanu
Digital Policy Senior Researcher
www.diplomacy.edu<http://www.diplomacy.edu> | www.giplatform.org<http://www.giplatform.org> | digitalwatch.giplatform.org<http://digitalwatch.giplatform.org>
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