[icann-see] Internet governance developments in SEE: May summary now available

Nenad Marinkovic nenad at marinkovic.rs
Tue Jun 13 21:56:06 CEST 2017

Dear  fellows and neighbors 

What to say and not repeat something mentioned  by previous. Congratulations and many successful actions in the future, 





From: icann-see [mailto:icann-see-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Aida Mahmutovic
Sent: Tuesday, 13 June, 2017 21:40
To: Aleksandar Icokaev
Cc: SEEDIG list
Subject: Re: [icann-see] Internet governance developments in SEE: May summary now available


Dear Aleksandar,


Much congrats to the whole team behind IGF MKD on the launch of your national Internet Governance Forum, and for fulfilling all the requirements in order to be recognised and enlisted at the official IGF website. It is great proud to see NRIs growing in our regional countries.


With that, I’d like to pass the information to you that the IFG MKD was also mentioned during the first day of Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting in Geneva - and welcomed!


At the same time, it is with much pleasure to hear all the compliments around the SEEDIG as a quite young but an exemplar initiative, among many that exist around the world.

As a community, everyone should take much pride in that - and continue striving for improvements.



Kind regards to everyone.



Aida Mahmutović

CIG/Geneva Internet Platform - DigitalWatch


twitter: @Aidazzles


On 13 Jun 2017, at 19:18, Narine Khachatryan <ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com> wrote:


Good news, Aleksandar. Congratulations and best luck with future IG developments.  Regards, Narine


On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Aleksandar Icokaev <icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk> wrote:

Dear Sorina, dear all, 

Many thanks for the update!  It's good to hear that the network of SEEDIG interns, fellows, and community members gives its feedback in significant contributions.  Way to go!

I would like to use this opportunity to introduce to you ( members of this list )  the announcement of the National IGF Initiative for Macedonia,  "IGF MKD"  on the Global IGF website ! https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/eastern-european-regional-group

The National initiative "IGF MKD"  is a result of a joint effort of a group of dedicated individuals ( the names of the 11 members of the initiative board and the declaration we all signed is available on the web site:  www.igf-mkd.mk <http://www.igf-mkd.mk/>  ) .

Having had the opportunity to host ( as a country ) an sub regional IGF event in "The SEEDIG 2017" in Ohrid , inspired and motivated us additionally to finalize the preparations for the national IGF initative. 

We specially thank SEEDIG for the support and the contribution and to the IGF Secretariat for their guidance during the process of establishing of the national IGF Initiative.


Looking forward and hope to be able to contribute with news re IG developments in Macedonia in the months to come ! 


Best regards,

On behalf of  IGF MKD


Aleksandar Icokaev , 




On 13.06.2017 11:23, Sorina Teleanu wrote:

Dear all, 


Despite the delay (motivated by the community being busy with the SEEDIG meeting), we are pleased to inform you that May issue of our monthly summary of Internet governance and digital policy developments in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area is now available (online <http://www.seedig.net/2017/06/13/internet-governance-in-see-may-summary-of-developments-is-out/>  and attached).


The summary includes updates from late April and May, from countries such as Croatia, Georgia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. It also provides an overview of Internet-related events that were held in the region in May, as well as a list of events taking place in June.


We are even more pleased to acknowledge here the fact that we had significant contributions this month from SEEDIG interns, fellows, and community members. We thank you all and we encourage you to stay active.


Comments on the May issue and contributions for the next summary are more than welcome. And stay tuned, as we will be celebrating our 10th issue at the end of June.


Best regards,



(on behalf of SEEDIG executive committee)


Aleksandar Icokaev
Attorney at Law & IPRs Agent 

tel. ++ 389 2 3231 609 / 610
fax. ++ 389 2 3231 612
ul. Makedonija 10-1/1, Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
e-mail. icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk 
 <http://www.legal500.com/> <emea-recommended-lawyer-16.jpg> 

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Best regards,

Narine Khachatryan

Program Coordinator 


 <http://www.safe.am/> Safer Internet Armenia 

 <http://mediaeducation.am/> ​

Yerevan Armenia

 <https://www.linkedin.com/in/narinekhachatryan> https://www.linkedin.com/in/narinekhachatryan


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