[icann-see] SEEDIG 2017: Session messages and attendance stats

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Mon Jun 5 08:13:46 CEST 2017

Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you that the sessions messages and the attendance
statistics for SEEDIG 2017 are now published.

*1. SEEDIG 2017 messages *
The messages resulting from the discussions in Ohrid are available on
the individual
session pages <http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2017-programme/>, or on the
dedicated page: http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2017-messages/

These messages are aimed to serve as input from the SEEDIG community into
pan-European and global Internet governance processes. To start with, they
will be presented at EuroDIG on 6 June, between 16.30 and 17.00. Those of
you traveling to Tallinn are kindly invited to join us for this session.

And we encourage you all to share these messages within your community, as
the output of SEEDIG 2017.

With this, we would also like to thank once again all those who have been
involved in the SEEDIG sessions, from org. team members to in-situ
participants. And special thanks to the rapporteurs for doing the
just-in-time reporting.

*2. Attendance stats*
Statistics on in situ participation at the SEEDIG 2017 meeting are also
available: http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2017-attendance-statistics/

They look at participation by region, stakeholder groups, and gender.

And for those who have not seen them yet, the results of the
Internationalised Domain Names Survey are also available:

If you have questions or comments on any of the above, please let us know.

Best regards,

(on behalf of SEEDIG's executive committee)
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