[icann-see] SEEDIG: Ending the 2017 cycle and preparing for the 2018 one

Michael Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 12:14:09 CEST 2017

Dear Sorina and the ex. com., all:

Having reviewed each of your points, I completely endorse your decisions
and the processes you outline and the path forward you offer. They seem
prudent, judicious, and rooted in inclusivity. Thank you for taking the
time to do this, and I look forward to its relevant developments.


On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>

> Dear all,
> Since the meeting in Ohrid, there have been several questions raised via
> the mailing list about SEEDIG going forward. While apologising for not
> having addressed them so far, we would like to inform you about several
> developments and decisions that concern SEEDIG and the way ahead.
> Following discussions in the executive committee (ex. com.), an agreement
> was reached, by majority, on several points outlining our vision on how to
> proceed in the months to come with the overall SEEDIG process and the
> coordination of the work involved.
> 1. The mandate of the current ex. com. ends with the finalisation and
> publication of the SEEDIG 2017 report (to be ready by end of August).
> In 2016, a five-member ex. com. was endorsed by the community for a
> two-year circle (2017 and 2018). However, SEEDIG has grown fast since then,
> and the circumstances have changed. We are, therefore, of the view that our
> mandate, as entrusted to us last year, should end with the 2017 circle, to
> allow the 2018 circle to start with a fresh team. (Individual members of
> the current ex. com. are free to run for elections.)
> 2. While working on the report, a process is launched for defining a
> mechanism for electing a new ex. com. (nomination method, eligibility
> criteria, voting, etc). This should be something the current ex. com. would
> work on together with the community, looking at existing mechanisms (e.g.
> APrIGF, EuroDIG Board, etc.).
> SEEDIG does not have a clear mechanism in place when it comes to the
> election of the ex. com. While things worked smoothly in the previous
> years, through community endorsements via the mailing list, the growth of
> SEEDIG calls for the definition of a mechanism for elections. While the
> current ex. com. is willing to coordinate a process for defining such a
> mechanism, we welcome volunteers from among you to contribute to this
> process. Any proposal for such a mechanism will be subject to community
> approval.
> 3. The ex. com. would be expanded from 5 to 7 members.
> As the SEEDIG process now includes several activities (intersessional
> activities, Meeting Fellowship Programme, Youth School, etc), the
> complexity of the work involved in planning or coordinating these
> activities has increased as well. For this reason, we are of the view that
> a larger ex. com. is needed. The expansion of the ex. com. would be an
> issue for consideration during the process mentioned at point 2 for
> defining an elections mechanism.
> 4. Once elected, the new ex. com. will be responsible for elaborating a
> set of operating principles for SEEDIG, as well as a strategic plan and a
> work plan. As interim solution, and until the adoption of SEEDIG operating
> principles, the new ex. com. will bind itself to applicable EuroDIG rules
> of operation (given point 7 below). The extent to which EuroDIG rules will
> be applicable to the SEEDIG ex. com. will be subject to discussions between
> the new ex. com. and EuroDIG and other SEEDIG supporting organisations.
> In Ohrid, a public meeting was held on the issue of creating a legal
> structure for SEEDIG. At that session, it was underlined that, while the
> need for a legal structure is unquestionable, we should not rush the
> process for setting it up. Few weeks ago, at a discussion with several
> SEEDIG sponsors, it was also noted that, while the process for setting up a
> SEEDIG association is slowed down, there is a need for clear
> rules/operating principles (OP) governing both SEEDIG as a process and the
> functioning of its coordination body. The OP are to cover issues such as:
> SEEDIG objectives and ways of achieving those objectives (annual meeting,
> intersessional activities); roles, responsibilities and procedures for the
> coordinating body (including appointment, durations and duties of the
> representative positions, etc.); relations with supporting organisations;
> basic principles; etc. In addition, a strategic plan and a work plan for
> SEEDIG were outlined also as necessary documents.
> 5. Everything else SEEDIG-related – intersessional activities, host for
> SEEDIG 2018, communication tools, etc. – will also fall within the
> responsibility of the new ex. com. The only exception here could be the monthly
> summary and hub <http://www.seedig.net/ig-developments-in-see/> – whose
> continuity and sustainability would be discussed with the community while
> the election process is ongoing.
> This also means that the questions and suggestions circulated lately via
> the mailing list (on issues such as additional capacity development
> activities that SEEDIG could engage in) will be addressed by the new ex.
> com.
> 6. The hard deadline for having a new ex. com. in place is end of
> September. This is because the usual EuroDIG call for issues is launched on
> 1 October, and a decision needs to be made whether there will be again a
> joint EuroDIG-SEEDIG call.
> Steps to be taken to meet this deadline include the definition of an
> election mechanism (in line with point 2 above) and the actual running of
> the elections. A detailed timeline for these two steps is to be defined as
> part of the aforementioned mechanism. On 1 August, we will launch a call
> for volunteers to contribute to this process.
> 7. An agreement was reached in Tallinn (during the GA of the EuroDIG
> Association) and endorsed by SEEDIG main sponsors, about SEEDIG funds being
> managed by the EuroDIG Secretariat on an interim basis (until a SEEDIG
> legal structure is created).
> This will be a continuation of the status quo, as SEEDIG funds have been
> managed by the EuroDIG Secretariat for SEEDIG 2017. In practical terms,
> this has meant that financial contributions to SEEDIG were collected via
> the EuroDIG Secretariat, who has managed the funds in line with decisions
> made by the SEEDIG ex. com.
> We are aware that the points above are complex, and we stand ready and
> available to answer any requests for clarification you might have. We
> welcome your comments or questions, by 31 July. More from us on 1 August,
> when we launch the process for creating an elections mechanism for SEEDIG’s
> ex. com.
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> (on behalf of SEEDIG's executive committee)
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