[icann-see] Few questions to consider
Narine Khachatryan
ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 14:38:53 CEST 2017
Dear all,
I fully support Valentina's suggestions and especially the ones related to
building a 'dialoging community', forming from local grassroots groups and
striving to become an intermediary between national and global levels.
It is also interesting to know what other people on the list suggest in
this regard.
Sorina, do you think we could form a core team of interested individuals at
this point to start working in this direction:
educational initiative for SEE+?
Regards, Narine
Best regards,
Narine Khachatryan
Program Coordinator
Safer Internet Armenia <http://www.safe.am/>
Yerevan Armenia
95 159610, 374 55
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 5:15 AM, valentina hvale pellizzer <
valentina at oneworldplatform.net> wrote:
> Greetings from Sri Lanka,
> few notes from owp side too :) learning opportunities are key not only to
> sustain individuals in their own learning and engagement process but also
> to create a dialogging community, support and acknowledge diversity,
> generate reflections and knowledge. We also think SEEDIG should continue
> and deepen its capacity development due to its position as a regional
> convener that cut cross countries, languages and stakeholders and, are
> willing to engage more within our capacities and field and work. As
> everyone already knows we consider strategic for the advancement of our
> community empowering gender discourse and perspective and enhance gender
> and diversity participation. Youth school, fellowship and internship are
> all very good formats that can be expanded in their duration.
> In particular regarding the school and fellowship extension in their
> duration would provide participants with more input and give the
> possibility to deepen themes. On the specificity of the themes I think is
> important they always remain related to Internet governance and never loose
> the vision on being intermediary between global and national level. I will
> not write or suggest specific themes since they are all relevant I am more
> interested in bringing perspectives that's my reference to gender which
> encompass all questions, issues and themes.
> LoVE, hvale
> On 07/06/2017 02:01 AM, Sorina Teleanu wrote:
> Dear Sonia, Narine, and all,
> Once again, I would like to thank you for contributing to this discussion
> and sharing your views on the types of capacity development activities that
> SEEDIG could further engage into, as a way to address existing needs within
> the region (from digital literacy to broader Internet governance issues).
> Speaking again as an individual member of the SEEDIG executive committee,
> I really am glad to see your input, as well as your willingness to
> contribute to putting into practice the various ideas raised here.
> At this point, I would like to assure you that all your input is well
> noted. I will be consulting my colleagues on this in the coming period, and
> I hope we will be able to come back to you with further feedback and
> suggestions relatively soon.
> Meanwhile, I am kindly encouraging everyone else to follow-up on this
> thread and contribute additional views and ideas.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> On 3 July 2017 at 20:08, Sonia H. <s.sonia.h at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I would like to express my support for the 'training for trainees' idea
>> Sorina has proposed. As a SEEDIG Fellow and as someone who would like to
>> start sharing all I've learned in the last few years back in my
>> country/region (Turkey), I think an initiative like this would be very
>> helpful.
>> I support other formats of capacity building ideas stated in this thread
>> and would be happy to be part of the work.
>> Best,
>> Su Sonia Herring
>> On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 at 10:43, Narine Khachatryan <
>> ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear everyone,
>>> Glad to join this important discussion as a rep. of an organisation working
>>> in the field of ICTs and youth for over a decade, having educated many
>>> thousands of young people and adults in Armenia in Internet safety and
>>> security, media and Internet literacy, privacy and general IG.
>>> Sorina, thank you for supporting the idea of extended building capacity
>>> in Internet governance across 'SEE and the neighbouring area' and SEE+
>>> School initiative, in particular.
>>> As you know, Safer Internet Armenia <http://safe.am/> has been active
>>> in IG capacity development since our publication of the 1st Armenian
>>> Edition <http://safe.am/book/IG_2012_Armenian_Jovan_Kurbalija.pdf>of
>>> the Introduction to Internet Governance
>>> <http://safe.am/book/IG_2012_Armenian_Jovan_Kurbalija.pdf>Book of
>>> DiploFoundation in 2012 up to our current engagement in organizing the
>>> Armenian Youth IGF - IGF4YOUth.
>>> I fully share the vision of colleagues (Liljana, Aleksandar, Michael,
>>> Oksana) that there is a need for such an
>>> educational initiative for SEE+ and SEEDIG's support and involvement
>>> would be indispensable. As you mentioned, the Fellowship Programme and
>>> Youth School have created very good precedents for that. You can count
>>> fully on my involvement and organisational contribution from Armenia.
>>> Best regards to all,
>>> Narine
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Narine Khachatryan
>>> Program Coordinator
>>> Safer Internet Armenia <http://www.safe.am/>
>>> <http://mediaeducation.am/>
>>> Yerevan Armenia
>>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/narinekhachatryan
>>> 374
>>> (0)
>>> 95 159610, 374 55
>>> (0)
>>> 137907
>>> On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Liljana Pecova <
>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Sorina,
>>>> yes, correctly understood, if possible to upgrade the issue of
>>>> educating young people, and building SEE network in this regard. Maybe
>>>> SEEDIG youth school could be a great starting point where we could develop
>>>> this more into a structured initiative with goals and measures to achieve.
>>>> Since we are contributing to a region it would be great to develop first a
>>>> network of people who work in this area (or would like to work) and agree
>>>> on the starting points with a vision of developing researches, analyses,
>>>> topic based- Task forces, etc. I have many ideas on my mind but let's see
>>>> first who is up to it.
>>>> Dear Oksana, bravo for the idea and pls share on the steps and
>>>> challenges you've encountered. Like tips and tricks if we want to establish
>>>> school here as well to what we should pay more attention.
>>>> Dear Aleksandar, still waiting for your call to see what we can do
>>>> together.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Liljana
>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, everyone.
>>>>> Liljana, Oksana, as an individual member of the SEEDIG executive
>>>>> committee, I would like to thank you for bringing your ideas and projects
>>>>> up for discussion within the SEEDIG community.
>>>>> Liljana, if I understand your points correctly, you would like to see
>>>>> an SEE initiative focused mainly, but not only, on education and awareness
>>>>> raising in the field of online safety and data protection. And, at the same
>>>>> time, an initiative that would not only educate young people, but also have
>>>>> a sort of a 'training of trainers' approach, empowering participants to
>>>>> share the knowledge further within their communities. I, personally, think
>>>>> this is something worthwhile looking more carefully into, maybe through a
>>>>> sort of a parallel with the SEEDIG Youth School. But I would first like to
>>>>> kindly ask you to confirm whether my understanding is correct.
>>>>> Oksana, it would be great to hear more about your plans for a national
>>>>> IG school, and how you see a possible contribution from SEEDIG. And
>>>>> congratulations for going ahead with the idea of a Youth IGF-UA.
>>>>> All, please feel free to contribute to these discussions and bring in
>>>>> your own ideas.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Sorina
>>>>> On 28 June 2017 at 18:49, Oksana Prykhodko <sana.pryhod at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> I would like to let you know, that just few days ago we discussed
>>>>>> with Ilija Bazljankov the possibility to organize Internet Governance
>>>>>> School in Kyiv (possibly in February 2018, in line with First Youth
>>>>>> IGF-UA).
>>>>>> I will be happy to have SEEDIG as one of its co-organizer.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Oksana
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Liljana Pecova <
>>>>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks for the invite. We may discuss this over coffee. Please give
>>>>>>> me a call
>>>>>>> +389 71 276 151 <+389%2071%20276%20151>
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Aleksandar Icokaev <
>>>>>>> icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Liljana ,
>>>>>>>> Good to hear from you! You are more than welcome to join us IGF
>>>>>>>> MKD ( Internet Governance Forum - National Initiative for Macedonia ) .
>>>>>>>> www.igf.mkd.mk / https://www.intgovforum.org/mu
>>>>>>>> ltilingual/content/eastern-european-regional-group
>>>>>>>> As a National IGF Initiative , we are in close relation and
>>>>>>>> collaboration with SEEDIG and EuroDiG as Regional / Sub Regional
>>>>>>>> IGF Initiative's . ( SEEDIG 2017 was held in Ohrid this May )
>>>>>>>> BSIG on the other hand is a huge milestone in the joint efforts to
>>>>>>>> rise the awareness among the younger generations about IG matters and
>>>>>>>> related hot topics ...
>>>>>>>> Nice to see that the interest for BSIG is increasing - don't miss
>>>>>>>> it !
>>>>>>>> Best , Поздрав ,
>>>>>>>> Aleksandar Icokaev / IGF MKD Coordinator
>>>>>>>> Александар Ичоќаев / ИГФ МКД Координатор
>>>>>>>> On 28.06.2017 13:03, Liljana Pecova wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would be happy to share my experiences. I come from governmental
>>>>>>>> institution, yet working with NGOs in the schools and for these 4 years
>>>>>>>> believe me I have addressed more issues than teachers themselves. However,
>>>>>>>> we should not rely to the school system, but find a way to make a joint
>>>>>>>> curricula within the informal education using the NGO's approach....etc.
>>>>>>>> Lots of topics to discuss and raise... How about we agree on step
>>>>>>>> 1> defining the countries (participants from this mailing list) to share
>>>>>>>> their view and to agree on the step 2> needed topics to be addressed to
>>>>>>>> youngsters. If we agree on the top 10 topics we could arrange on the skills
>>>>>>>> needed and curricula is founded....
>>>>>>>> There is a big work to be done, but jointly we could do much more.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Liljana
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Michael Oghia <
>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Absolutely! It's worth discussing how we could work more with
>>>>>>>>> NGOs, governments, and schools to help bring things like media literacy
>>>>>>>>> training to our various countries. In fact, we could even plan an entire
>>>>>>>>> session at next year's SEEDIG solely on how to increase ICT skills and
>>>>>>>>> Internet governance education in schools.
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Liljana Pecova <
>>>>>>>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Already shared, and signed up as well :)
>>>>>>>>>> Developing curricula and informal education is a more than a good
>>>>>>>>>> start.
>>>>>>>>>> Let's make some change
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Liljana
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Michael Oghia <
>>>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Liljana,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your message, and I definitely agree. More
>>>>>>>>>>> school-based training and working with school to develop/implement
>>>>>>>>>>> curriculum is a big part of the solution.
>>>>>>>>>>> I also encourage you to share the application for the Balkan
>>>>>>>>>>> School on Internet Governance (BSIG), which will take place at the end of
>>>>>>>>>>> August in Sarajevo (since anyone from FYR Macedonia are encouraged to
>>>>>>>>>>> apply): https://bsig.center/call-for-applications/
>>>>>>>>>>> The deadline is tomorrow, but there is still time to apply.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Liljana Pecova <
>>>>>>>>>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks all for opening up the question of School -like
>>>>>>>>>>>> initiative. I was considering the same after EURODIG's meeting since we all
>>>>>>>>>>>> urge and pledge for the need for establishing here (in SEE and Macedonia
>>>>>>>>>>>> especially) kind of a Center for Internet for youngsters. I have been
>>>>>>>>>>>> educating high school students on safe internet and data protection issues
>>>>>>>>>>>> for four years, but as each year the graduates are leaving I am thinking of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the way to retain those target groups and educated students to continue the
>>>>>>>>>>>> process of peer-to peer education. So, to answer your question more
>>>>>>>>>>>> precisely, YES, we do need kind of an education-initiative and support to
>>>>>>>>>>>> establish it. I would be very much grateful if this could be discussed and
>>>>>>>>>>>> take it into consideration. I would be very happy if there is a possibility
>>>>>>>>>>>> for this idea to be supported.
>>>>>>>>>>>> best,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Liljana
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 8:05 AM, Michael Oghia <
>>>>>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sorina,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And as an individual SEEDIG community member, I will say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I support increased collaboration whenever possible to achieve shared goals
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and promote Internet governance throughout the region, in which ever way
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that can manifest. Some individuals in Eastern Europe are thinking of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> launching a school there, so it might be unnecessary to have a dedicated
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEE+ school, for instance. Instead, it might be better to support new and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing initiatives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 8:53 PM, Sorina Teleanu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorinat at diplomacy.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, everyone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael, although with some delay, I am joining the others in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wishing you and your colleagues best of luck with the Balkan School.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Following up on questions asked here and on the NRIs list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about Moldova and Kosovo (as countries not covered by BSIG), and taking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into account Michael's previous suggestion about researching if there is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> school focused on Eastern Europe, I would like to launch some questions for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone on the list:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There have long been discussions in SEEDIG's executive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> committee about additional ways in which SEEDIG could contribute to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> building capacity in Internet governance across what we call 'SEE and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> neighbouring area' (SEE+). The idea of a SEE+ school-like initiative was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among them. So my questions would be: Do you see the need for such an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initiative for the extended region? And, if so, would this be something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SEEDIG should be looking into? Maybe as an extension to its Fellowship
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Programme and Youth School (i.e. not necessarily as another event, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rather as a build-up of what is already in place)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 19 June 2017 at 11:44, Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Veronica,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your interest! Unfortunately, we are not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepting applications from Moldova this year. There is a possibility of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opening it up in the future to other countries, but for now I recommend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking into the European Summer School on Internet Governance or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> researching if there is such a school focusing on Eastern Europe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Mocanu Veronica <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mocanuveronica at mail.ru> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Michael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for information provided, congratulations and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good luck!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you accept applications from Moldova?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Veronica
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>> Sorina Teleanu
>>>>> Digital Policy Senior Researcher
>>>>> DiploFoundation
>>>>> <http://www.diplomacy.edu>
>>> --
>> Sonia
>> LinkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/suherring>
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/susotti>
> valentina pellizzer
> President
> One World Platform
> https://oneworldplatform.net/
> mobile: +387 (0)61 484 038 <+387%2061%20484%20038>
> twitter: @froatosebe
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