[icann-see] Few questions to consider
Sonia H.
s.sonia.h at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 20:08:15 CEST 2017
Hello all,
I would like to express my support for the 'training for trainees' idea
Sorina has proposed. As a SEEDIG Fellow and as someone who would like to
start sharing all I've learned in the last few years back in my
country/region (Turkey), I think an initiative like this would be very
I support other formats of capacity building ideas stated in this thread
and would be happy to be part of the work.
Su Sonia Herring
On Sun, 2 Jul 2017 at 10:43, Narine Khachatryan <
ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> Glad to join this important discussion as a rep. of an organisation working
> in the field of ICTs and youth for over a decade, having educated many
> thousands of young people and adults in Armenia in Internet safety and
> security, media and Internet literacy, privacy and general IG.
> Sorina, thank you for supporting the idea of extended building capacity
> in Internet governance across 'SEE and the neighbouring area' and SEE+
> School initiative, in particular.
> As you know, Safer Internet Armenia <http://safe.am/> has been active in
> IG capacity development since our publication of the 1st Armenian Edition
> <http://safe.am/book/IG_2012_Armenian_Jovan_Kurbalija.pdf>of the
> Introduction to Internet Governance
> <http://safe.am/book/IG_2012_Armenian_Jovan_Kurbalija.pdf>Book of
> DiploFoundation in 2012 up to our current engagement in organizing the
> Armenian Youth IGF - IGF4YOUth.
> I fully share the vision of colleagues (Liljana, Aleksandar, Michael,
> Oksana) that there is a need for such an educational initiative for SEE+
> and SEEDIG's support and involvement would be indispensable. As you
> mentioned, the Fellowship Programme and Youth School have created very good
> precedents for that. You can count fully on my involvement and
> organisational contribution from Armenia.
> Best regards to all,
> Narine
> --
> --
> Best regards,
> Narine Khachatryan
> Program Coordinator
> Safer Internet Armenia <http://www.safe.am/>
> <http://mediaeducation.am/>
> Yerevan Armenia
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/narinekhachatryan
> 374
> (0)
> 95 159610, 374 55
> (0)
> 137907
> On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Liljana Pecova <liljana.pecova at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Dear Sorina,
>> yes, correctly understood, if possible to upgrade the issue of educating
>> young people, and building SEE network in this regard. Maybe SEEDIG youth
>> school could be a great starting point where we could develop this more
>> into a structured initiative with goals and measures to achieve. Since we
>> are contributing to a region it would be great to develop first a network
>> of people who work in this area (or would like to work) and agree on the
>> starting points with a vision of developing researches, analyses, topic
>> based- Task forces, etc. I have many ideas on my mind but let's see first
>> who is up to it.
>> Dear Oksana, bravo for the idea and pls share on the steps and challenges
>> you've encountered. Like tips and tricks if we want to establish school
>> here as well to what we should pay more attention.
>> Dear Aleksandar, still waiting for your call to see what we can do
>> together.
>> Sincerely,
>> Liljana
>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, everyone.
>>> Liljana, Oksana, as an individual member of the SEEDIG executive
>>> committee, I would like to thank you for bringing your ideas and projects
>>> up for discussion within the SEEDIG community.
>>> Liljana, if I understand your points correctly, you would like to see an
>>> SEE initiative focused mainly, but not only, on education and awareness
>>> raising in the field of online safety and data protection. And, at the same
>>> time, an initiative that would not only educate young people, but also have
>>> a sort of a 'training of trainers' approach, empowering participants to
>>> share the knowledge further within their communities. I, personally, think
>>> this is something worthwhile looking more carefully into, maybe through a
>>> sort of a parallel with the SEEDIG Youth School. But I would first like to
>>> kindly ask you to confirm whether my understanding is correct.
>>> Oksana, it would be great to hear more about your plans for a national
>>> IG school, and how you see a possible contribution from SEEDIG. And
>>> congratulations for going ahead with the idea of a Youth IGF-UA.
>>> All, please feel free to contribute to these discussions and bring in
>>> your own ideas.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sorina
>>> On 28 June 2017 at 18:49, Oksana Prykhodko <sana.pryhod at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I would like to let you know, that just few days ago we discussed with
>>>> Ilija Bazljankov the possibility to organize Internet Governance School in
>>>> Kyiv (possibly in February 2018, in line with First Youth IGF-UA).
>>>> I will be happy to have SEEDIG as one of its co-organizer.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Oksana
>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Liljana Pecova <
>>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the invite. We may discuss this over coffee. Please give me
>>>>> a call
>>>>> +389 71 276 151 <+389%2071%20276%20151>
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Aleksandar Icokaev <
>>>>> icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Liljana ,
>>>>>> Good to hear from you! You are more than welcome to join us IGF MKD
>>>>>> ( Internet Governance Forum - National Initiative for Macedonia ) .
>>>>>> www.igf.mkd.mk /
>>>>>> https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/eastern-european-regional-group
>>>>>> As a National IGF Initiative , we are in close relation and
>>>>>> collaboration with SEEDIG and EuroDiG as Regional / Sub Regional IGF
>>>>>> Initiative's . ( SEEDIG 2017 was held in Ohrid this May )
>>>>>> BSIG on the other hand is a huge milestone in the joint efforts to
>>>>>> rise the awareness among the younger generations about IG matters and
>>>>>> related hot topics ...
>>>>>> Nice to see that the interest for BSIG is increasing - don't miss
>>>>>> it !
>>>>>> Best , Поздрав ,
>>>>>> Aleksandar Icokaev / IGF MKD Coordinator
>>>>>> Александар Ичоќаев / ИГФ МКД Координатор
>>>>>> On 28.06.2017 13:03, Liljana Pecova wrote:
>>>>>> I would be happy to share my experiences. I come from governmental
>>>>>> institution, yet working with NGOs in the schools and for these 4 years
>>>>>> believe me I have addressed more issues than teachers themselves. However,
>>>>>> we should not rely to the school system, but find a way to make a joint
>>>>>> curricula within the informal education using the NGO's approach....etc.
>>>>>> Lots of topics to discuss and raise... How about we agree on step 1>
>>>>>> defining the countries (participants from this mailing list) to share their
>>>>>> view and to agree on the step 2> needed topics to be addressed to
>>>>>> youngsters. If we agree on the top 10 topics we could arrange on the skills
>>>>>> needed and curricula is founded....
>>>>>> There is a big work to be done, but jointly we could do much more.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Liljana
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:55 PM, Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Absolutely! It's worth discussing how we could work more with NGOs,
>>>>>>> governments, and schools to help bring things like media literacy training
>>>>>>> to our various countries. In fact, we could even plan an entire session at
>>>>>>> next year's SEEDIG solely on how to increase ICT skills and Internet
>>>>>>> governance education in schools.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Liljana Pecova <
>>>>>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Already shared, and signed up as well :)
>>>>>>>> Developing curricula and informal education is a more than a good
>>>>>>>> start.
>>>>>>>> Let's make some change
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Liljana
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Michael Oghia <
>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Liljana,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your message, and I definitely agree. More school-based
>>>>>>>>> training and working with school to develop/implement curriculum is a big
>>>>>>>>> part of the solution.
>>>>>>>>> I also encourage you to share the application for the Balkan
>>>>>>>>> School on Internet Governance (BSIG), which will take place at the end of
>>>>>>>>> August in Sarajevo (since anyone from FYR Macedonia are encouraged to
>>>>>>>>> apply): https://bsig.center/call-for-applications/
>>>>>>>>> The deadline is tomorrow, but there is still time to apply.
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Liljana Pecova <
>>>>>>>>> liljana.pecova at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>>>> thanks all for opening up the question of School -like
>>>>>>>>>> initiative. I was considering the same after EURODIG's meeting since we all
>>>>>>>>>> urge and pledge for the need for establishing here (in SEE and Macedonia
>>>>>>>>>> especially) kind of a Center for Internet for youngsters. I have been
>>>>>>>>>> educating high school students on safe internet and data protection issues
>>>>>>>>>> for four years, but as each year the graduates are leaving I am thinking of
>>>>>>>>>> the way to retain those target groups and educated students to continue the
>>>>>>>>>> process of peer-to peer education. So, to answer your question more
>>>>>>>>>> precisely, YES, we do need kind of an education-initiative and support to
>>>>>>>>>> establish it. I would be very much grateful if this could be discussed and
>>>>>>>>>> take it into consideration. I would be very happy if there is a possibility
>>>>>>>>>> for this idea to be supported.
>>>>>>>>>> best,
>>>>>>>>>> Liljana
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 8:05 AM, Michael Oghia <
>>>>>>>>>> mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sorina,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
>>>>>>>>>>> And as an individual SEEDIG community member, I will say that I
>>>>>>>>>>> support increased collaboration whenever possible to achieve shared goals
>>>>>>>>>>> and promote Internet governance throughout the region, in which ever way
>>>>>>>>>>> that can manifest. Some individuals in Eastern Europe are thinking of
>>>>>>>>>>> launching a school there, so it might be unnecessary to have a dedicated
>>>>>>>>>>> SEE+ school, for instance. Instead, it might be better to support new and
>>>>>>>>>>> existing initiatives.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 8:53 PM, Sorina Teleanu <
>>>>>>>>>>> sorinat at diplomacy.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, everyone.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael, although with some delay, I am joining the others in
>>>>>>>>>>>> wishing you and your colleagues best of luck with the Balkan School.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Following up on questions asked here and on the NRIs list about
>>>>>>>>>>>> Moldova and Kosovo (as countries not covered by BSIG), and taking into
>>>>>>>>>>>> account Michael's previous suggestion about researching if there is a
>>>>>>>>>>>> school focused on Eastern Europe, I would like to launch some questions for
>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone on the list:
>>>>>>>>>>>> There have long been discussions in SEEDIG's executive
>>>>>>>>>>>> committee about additional ways in which SEEDIG could contribute to
>>>>>>>>>>>> building capacity in Internet governance across what we call 'SEE and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> neighbouring area' (SEE+). The idea of a SEE+ school-like initiative was
>>>>>>>>>>>> among them. So my questions would be: Do you see the need for such an
>>>>>>>>>>>> initiative for the extended region? And, if so, would this be something
>>>>>>>>>>>> SEEDIG should be looking into? Maybe as an extension to its Fellowship
>>>>>>>>>>>> Programme and Youth School (i.e. not necessarily as another event, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> rather as a build-up of what is already in place)?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, and looking forward to hearing from you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorina
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 19 June 2017 at 11:44, Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Veronica,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your interest! Unfortunately, we are not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepting applications from Moldova this year. There is a possibility of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> opening it up in the future to other countries, but for now I recommend
>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking into the European Summer School on Internet Governance or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> researching if there is such a school focusing on Eastern Europe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Michael
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Mocanu Veronica <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mocanuveronica at mail.ru> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Michael,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for information provided, congratulations and Good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> luck!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you accept applications from Moldova?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Veronica
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorina Teleanu
>>>>>>>>>>>> Digital Policy Senior Researcher
>>>>>>>>>>>> DiploFoundation
>>>>>>>>>>>> www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org |
>>>>>>>>>>>> digitalwatch.giplatform.org
>>> --
>>> Sorina Teleanu
>>> Digital Policy Senior Researcher
>>> DiploFoundation
>>> www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org | digitalwatch.giplatform.org
> --
> --
> Best regards,
> Narine Khachatryan
> Program Coordinator
> Safer Internet Armenia <http://www.safe.am/>
> <http://mediaeducation.am/>
> Yerevan Armenia
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/narinekhachatryan
> 374
> (0)
> 95 159610, 374 55
> (0)
> 137907
> --
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Twitter <http://twitter.com/susotti>
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