[icann-see] Reminder: SEEDIG 2017 virtual planning meetings - today and tomorrow

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Tue Jan 17 12:39:18 CET 2017

Dear all,

This is to kindly remind you about the two SEEDIG virtual planning
meetings, scheduled for today and tomorrow.

If you can join and have not yet registered, please do so (details below).
We hope to see many of you online.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
Date: 11 January 2017 at 10:41
Subject: SEEDIG 2017: Invite to join the virtual planning meeting (17&18
January). List of submitted proposals
To: SEEDIG list <icann-see at rnids.rs>

Dear all,

On behalf of the executive committee of SEEDIG, I would like to thank all
those who have submitted proposals for issues to be discussed at the SEEDIG
2017 meeting <http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2017/> (to be held on 24-25 May,
in Ohrid).

We are pleased to inform you that we have received a *total of 73 proposals*;
you can find them all in the attached compilation, as well as on the SEEDIG
website. <http://www.seedig.net/call-for-issues/>

The next step in the SEEDIG process is a *virtual planning meeting* dedicated
mainly to discussing the submitted proposals and initiating work on the
draft programme for the May event. In order to encourage a wide
participation in such discussions, we have scheduled two virtual meetings:

   - *Tuesday, 17 January, 14.00 CET*, and
   - *Wednesday, 18 January, 17.00 CET*.

You are all kindly invited to attend either of the two meetings (or both,
if you wish so). Both meetings will have the same *draft agenda*:
1. SEEDIG 2017 - process overview
2. Topics proposed for SEEDIG 2017 - overview and discussion
3. Format for SEEDIG 2017
4. Overarching theme for SEEDIG 2017
5. Next steps in building the programme
6. Internet governance survey - discussion on the topic
7. Intersessional activities
8. SEEDIG association
9. AOB

The meetings will be held via the Webex platform; all necessary details are
mentioned at the bottom of this email. Kindly note that *you need to
register your participation in advance of the meetings*, by clicking on the
relevant links below. For those of you who are new Webex users, we have
copied below some useful information. If you face any problem in
registering or joining the meeting, please let us know.

For more details about the planning process for SEEDIG 2017, please consult
the following:

   - SEEDIG 2017 Milestones <http://www.seedig.net/milestones-2017/>
   - Programme Guidelines <http://www.seedig.net/programme-guidelines/>

Thank you and we look forward to e-seeing you next week!

Best regards,

Sorina Teleanu
(on behalf of SEEDIG executive committee)


*SEEDIG Planning Meeting I*
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
2:00 pm  |  Central European Time (CET)

After your request has been approved, you'll receive instructions for
joining the meeting.


*SEEDIG Planning Meeting II*
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
5:00 pm  |  Central European Time (CET)

After your request has been approved, you'll receive instructions for
joining the meeting.


*Please follow the instructions below:*

  *   We strongly encourage you to test your equipment before the meeting
in order to make sure that your computer can connect to the virtual room.
In order to test your equipment please click here
  *   All the WebEX supported equipment and browsers are listed here
  *   Please note that to connect to WebEX you will need to download an
WebEX add on, or run a temporary application.

Sorina Teleanu
Digital Policy Senior Researcher
www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org | digitalwatch.giplatform.org
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