[icann-see] SEEDIG legal structure - Next steps

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Mon Feb 13 18:14:25 CET 2017

Dear all,

Over the past few weeks, we have initiated two calls for feedback on two
aspects related to the creation of a legal structure for SEEDIG (see

With both deadlines now passed, we would like to thank those who have
responded to our calls, and to inform you that:

1. As no objection has been raised with regard to the choice of
jurisdiction for the legal structure, we will proceed with incorporating
the so-called 'association 0.1' in Serbia. We will keep you updated on this.

2. A drafting team has been formed to start working on the statutes for
''association 2.0 (based on the expressions of interest received by the
previously communicated deadline). This team is composed of: SEEDIG
executive committee members, Andrea Beccalli, Anja Gengo, Fotjon Kosta, and
Valentina Pellizzer. RIPE NCC will most likely also join the team. In
addition, Michael Oghia has offered to assist with the final editing of the
document. Once this team produces a first draft version of the statutes,
this will be shared with you all for comments.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)

On 6 February 2017 at 19:32, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> We would like to start by thanking those who have already provided
> feedback on the timeline and tracks of works regarding the creation of a
> legal structure for SEEDIG.
> In line with the timeline, we are hereby launching the third track of work
> ("work on association 0.2"), with *a call for volunteers for the drafting
> team *that will elaborate a draft statute for the association 0.2. The
> call stays open until *10 February*.
> Please note that the drafting team will have to work in accordance with
> the previously shared timeline, and that the draft statute to be elaborated
> by this team will be subject to public comment. (We have already taken note
> of the interest expressed by Valentina Pellizzer and Andrea Beccalli in
> joining this team.)
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> (on behalf of the executive committee)
> On 2 February 2017 at 22:18, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> In October 2016, we asked for your feedback on a proposal regarding the
>> creation of legal structure for SEEDIG, in the form of an association (see
>> here
>> <https://lists.rnids.rs/pipermail/icann-see/2016-October/000604.html>
>> and attached). Following the positive feedback received, and considering
>> subsequent discussions, including at the two online planning meetings held
>> in January, we would like to share with you a timeline describing the work
>> ahead (attached).
>> Please note that the timeline includes three separate tracks of
>> work/discussion, and corresponding deadlines. The first track, which we
>> hereby launch, is related to the choice of jurisdiction for the SEEDIG
>> association (details in the timeline), and the corresponding deadline for
>> your input is *12 February*. We kindly remind you about the ‘golden
>> rule’ in the SEEDIG community: silence is considered agreement.
>> Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Sorina
>> (on behalf of the executive committee)

Sorina Teleanu
Digital Policy Senior Researcher
www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org | digitalwatch.giplatform.org
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