[icann-see] SEEDIG 2017: Final programme outline and additional calls for input

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Fri Feb 10 16:19:51 CET 2017

Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you that the programme outline for the SEEDIG 2017
meeting has been finalised and is now publicly available (attached and
online <http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2017-programme/>).

This programme has been built taking into consideration the proposals
submitted in response to the call for issues, the discussions held at the
January planning meetings, as well as input received in response to the
call for comments on the draft programme (more details in the attached
explanatory note).

With this, we are now ready to start working on the content of the
programme, in line with the Programme guidelines
<http://www.seedig.net/programme-guidelines/> and Session principles
<http://www.seedig.net/session-principles/>. The next step will consist in
forming organising teams for the various sessions. Over the next few days,
we will be contacting issue proponents and invite them to join the org.
teams. At the same time, we will also identity focal points who will lead
the work of the org. teams. In line with our Milestones
<http://www.seedig.net/milestones-2017/>, the composition of the initial
org. teams will be announced by 20 February. Please note that the org.
teams will be open to any interested individuals, throughout the entire
planning process. Should you wish to join any of these teams, please let us

In addition, we would also like to invite further input from you on:

*1. Overarching theme*

As you know, SEEDIG 2017 needs to have an overarching theme. We have asked
for your input before, but we are yet to identify the theme. We are
therefore kindly reiterating our invitation for you to submit suggestions,
taking into account that we now have more clarity on the issues to be
discussed at the May meeting.

*2. Speakers’ corner*

A ‘speakers’ corner’ has been included again in the SEEDIG programme. This
is intended for short presentations on specific Internet-related topics
that are not covered in the main sessions. The length of individual
presentations during the speakers’ corner will depend on the number of
topics to be covered, and could vary between three and ten minutes.

The topics currently indicated in the programme are based on suggestions
made at the planning meetings. Additional topics could also be
accommodated. Therefore, if you are interested in having a slot at the
speakers’ corner, please write to us with your proposed topic. Kindly note
that, given the short time available for this format, we will only be able
to accommodate a limited number of topics.

The deadline for both calls above is *20 February COB*. Please send us your
input at icann-see at rnids.rs (mailing list) and/or see at intgovforum.org
(e-mail address).

Thank you.

Best regards,

(on behalf of SEEDIG's executive committee)

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