[icann-see] SEEDIG legal structure: Tracks of work and timeline

Suada Hadzovic shadzovic at rak.ba
Mon Feb 6 13:23:28 CET 2017

Dear All,
I agree with Valentina’s points too.
Best regards

From: icann-see [mailto:icann-see-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Michael Oghia
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 1:08 PM
To: valentina hvale pellizzer
Cc: icann-see at lists.rnids.rs
Subject: Re: [icann-see] SEEDIG legal structure: Tracks of work and timeline

Hi all,

I fully agree with Hvale's points. Thanks for this!


On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 8:46 AM, valentina hvale pellizzer <valentina at oneworldplatform.net<mailto:valentina at oneworldplatform.net>> wrote:

Dear Sorina and dear community,

I would like to congratulate you and the executive committee for the preparatory work and the commitment. I have contributed to the registration of many organizations local as well as international in various countries, including Serbia and Macedonia and I could not agree more with your conclusion to have Serbia as the choice of jurisdiction.

For any organization to exist and develop there is a need of a core group of individuals ready to take responsibility and keep up the work and a live community.

I would like to say, SEEDIG had shown to have both these features so good luck to you and us all for this new strategic adventure.

And I will be happy to volunteer for the drafting group.

best, hvale

On 02/02/2017 10:18 PM, Sorina Teleanu wrote:

Dear all,

In October 2016, we asked for your feedback on a proposal regarding the creation of legal structure for SEEDIG, in the form of an association (see here<https://lists.rnids.rs/pipermail/icann-see/2016-October/000604.html> and attached). Following the positive feedback received, and considering subsequent discussions, including at the two online planning meetings held in January, we would like to share with you a timeline describing the work ahead (attached).

Please note that the timeline includes three separate tracks of work/discussion, and corresponding deadlines. The first track, which we hereby launch, is related to the choice of jurisdiction for the SEEDIG association (details in the timeline), and the corresponding deadline for your input is 12 February. We kindly remind you about the ‘golden rule’ in the SEEDIG community: silence is considered agreement.

Thank you.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)


valentina pellizzer


One World Platform


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