[icann-see] SEEDIG community: statistics

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Sat Feb 4 23:42:47 CET 2017

Dear all,

As some of you might have noticed, we keep stats on the composition of this
mailing list, which we update from time to time. These have been available
on the SEEDIG website <http://www.seedig.net/seedig-community/> ever since
the website was launched.

As we have just updated the stats, we would like to share them with you
here as well.

In short, the list has 109 members, from a total of 25 countries. While all
stakeholder groups are represented, there is a considerable difference
between the levels of representation (civil society - 43%; government -
20%; technical community - 19%; academia - 8%; private sector - 7%;
intergovernmental organisations - 3%). Which calls for more efforts from us
all to reach out to those stakeholder groups who are not so much
represented within our community. In terms of gender balance, the picture
looks quite well, with 52% male and 48% female.

With this, we would like to thank you all for being part of this community.
And to kindly invite you to contribute to consolidating this community, by
reaching out to others you think may be interested in joining SEEDIG.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)
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