[icann-see] Reminder: SEEDIG 2017: Call for input on draft programme, overarching theme, and survey topic. DL: 5 February
Slobodan Marković
slobodan.markovic at rnids.rs
Thu Feb 2 22:59:14 CET 2017
Dear Sorina and all,
Many thanks to you and all the people who proposed the topics and compiled the draft agenda of SEEDIG!! I know it was a lot of work and not an easy task :)
I have two small suggestions:
First - to perhaps provide more space than just a short talk for IDN issues. Almost all countries in the region have introduced their IDN ccTLDs or use IDN at the second level, but face technical and other difficulties in implementation, which I think warrants a discussion at the regional level.
Second - to reconsider my proposal for inclusion of open data initiatives and communities in the SEE in the final agenda in some manner (at least as a case study). I proposed this topic because in almost all countries in the region we now have emerging and enthusiastic open data communities, and at the core of all these initiatives is a multi-stakeholder cooperation between the state institutions, civil society organizations, media/journalists, academic community and businesses (tech startups in particular). This topic seems to me more relevant for the region than e.g. the topic of IoT, which is present in the region only in traces (I'm not downplaying the importance of the IoT and its challenges, just think that perhaps this topic is not yet "ripe" for a regional multi-stakeholder dialogue).
Best regards,
From: Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
Date: 2. februar 2017. at 10:03:36
To: SEEDIG list <icann-see at rnids.rs>
Subject: [icann-see] Reminder: SEEDIG 2017: Call for input on draft programme, overarching theme, and survey topic. DL: 5 February
Dear all,
This is to kindly remind you that the deadline for input on the draft programme, overarching theme, and survey topic for SEEDIG 2017 is 5 February.
We hope you will use the remaining days to let us know your comments and suggestions.
Thank you!
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
Date: 28 January 2017 at 12:47
Subject: SEEDIG 2017: Call for input on draft programme, overarching theme, and survey topic. DL: 5 February
To: SEEDIG list <icann-see at rnids.rs>
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that the draft programme outline for SEEDIG 2017 is now ready and available for public comment. You can find it both attached and online.
You are all kindly invited to review the draft and let us know your comments. The deadline for input is 5 February. Please send your comments via this mailing list and/or to see at intgovforum.org. Submitted comments will be considered for the finalisation of the programme.
Additionally, we would also like to invite you to submit suggestions for:
an overarching theme for SEEDIG 2017, and
a topic for a survey to be carried out before the SEEDIG 2017 meeting (and whose results would feed into the meeting, as it was the case with the 2016 survey).
You can submit your suggestions on these two issues via the mailing list and/or e-mail address
indicated above, as well as through our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter). The deadline is the same: 5 February.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank, once again, all those who have submitted proposals and participated in the two virtual planning meetings (summary here).
We look forward to hearing from you! Your involvement is key in making SEEDIG 2017 happen.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(on behalf of SEEDIG executive committee)
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