[icann-see] SEEDIG 2017 Report
Dusan Stojicevic
dusan at dukes.in.rs
Wed Aug 30 04:08:47 CEST 2017
Hi guys,
Because all deadlines already passed, I am now free to comment the direction that we take with this report. This report is more than fine, guys from exe com and especially Sorina - wonderful job, all is perfect… but…
PEOPLE, THIS IS A BOOK, not a report, and if we continue like this, next issues will beat the volume of “War and Peace”. J
And like in school, half of the people will not even try to read this amount of pages. YES, admitting> I am lazy guy, I like instant news, haiku poetry, twitter and can stand just few pages of serious text, and you want me to read – a report book??? IG novel??? No way!!! J
This was (slightly ;) ) overreacting by me, used to highlight the issue. Considering all possible target audiences, I believe that in the future, we need to squeeze reporting in smaller volume, by cutting something not that important. We need at least smaller version of report, very informative, easy to read and catchy for newcomers, f.e.. “War and Peace” like reports are for “IG pros” - some “usual suspects” in this world of IG, for people from the world of politics, and also for those who has enough time, inspiration and will to read it entirely. If you think that details will make a huge difference somewhere – this depends on target audience. And I admit, as ex exe com member, I approved this number of pages, by making just a tiny comment that this is a book and somehow too big. Bottom line - I just want to say that we need pay attention to this, to correct/address this issue in the future and at least, to make some digest version of the report in the future for lazy people like me. ;)
Second thing that I want to highlight here, came from a comment, not from a report. The name of this year host country was and still is one of many political issues in our region. The fact is> we used domestic (constitutional) name inside the country (during the whole meeting), but we used UN name when it was “outside of host country”. This was the only way for us to avoid politics and political problems in SEEDIG, and it’s clear that report for (UN funded) IGF must have UN name. I can have my personal opinion on this issue (or any other - our fragile SEE region has at least 100 new political disputes opened per day), but – the right name of Macedonia is not the problem of SEEDIG, can’t be solved in, or by SEEDIG, and SEEDIG will use UN name in the public reports, like it or not. If you don’t like it or you have any personal feelings about that, keep them for yourself or use your time to change that UN name into right one, don’t bother us in SEEDIG with that. If we start to open similar (some larger, some smaller) political questions in SEEDIG – we are not IG people anymore. Exe com was addressing (and I am 100% sure that it will continue to address) these issues with smart, thoughtful and careful solutions, discussed and agreed with local people and community. Please, don’t let the politics came here – we are (more or less) lousy in football, and the politics is next popular sport in SEE, but the sport is not among IG topics. ;)
My two cents…
From: icann-see [mailto:icann-see-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Michael Oghia
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 11:36 AM
To: Lianna Galstyan <lianna at magic.am>
Cc: SEEDIG list <icann-see at rnids.rs>
Subject: Re: [icann-see] SEEDIG 2017 Report
Thank you Lianna, I look forward to seeing the final version.
On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 9:32 AM, Lianna Galstyan <lianna at magic.am <mailto:lianna at magic.am> > wrote:
Dear All,
As the deadline for comments on the SEEDIG 2017 report has passed, we would like to thank you for your positive and encouraging feedback.
As said before, the report is simply a reflection of the activities that the community has undertaken over the past year, with the support of our partners. So it couldn’t have been what it is without your contributions, for which we thank you once again.
The report will soon be published on the SEEDIG website, and submitted to the IGF Secretariat. We will let yo know when this happens.
Best regards,
Lianna Galstyan
(on behalf of the executive committee)
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