[icann-see] SEEDIG 2017 Report for review

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Fri Aug 18 20:08:02 CEST 2017

Dear all,

On behalf of the executive committee of SEEDIG, I am glad to inform you
that the SEEDIG 2017 report is now ready.

Before we publish it and submit it to the IGF Secretariat, we would like to
invite you to review it and let us know if you have any comments or
suggestions. We welcome your input by* Friday, 25th August.*

The report covers the SEEDIG 2017 cycle, and contains information about
both the annual meeting and intersessional activities. It is quite long,
but, following consultations with the IGF Secretariat, it was determined
that it is useful to provide as many details as possible about the SEEDIG
process, both for transparency reasons, and for other initiatives to be
able to follow any of our practices, should they wish to.

With this, we would also like to thank you all, once again, for having
contributed to SEEDIG activities over the past year.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)
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