[icann-see] Call for volunteers: Defining an elections mechanism for SEEDIG ex. com.

Domen Savič domen.savich at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 17:11:03 CEST 2017


I'm game.



On 02-Aug-17 16:12, Dusan Stojicevic wrote:
> Dear all,
> Maybe you have missed this email… Is there ANY volunteers for this task?
> Or weight lifting is not for you? ;)
> There was a joke at my university class: Professor ask who wants to
> help him with some work in his cabinet. Quiet. Then he ask who knows
> to drive the bicycle? Few raise hands. “Thank you for volunteering to
> help me, come to my cabinet”.
> Anyone of you knows to drive a bike?
> Cheers,
> Dusan
> *From:*icann-see [mailto:icann-see-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] *On Behalf
> Of *Sorina Teleanu
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 1, 2017 4:58 PM
> *To:* SEEDIG list <icann-see at rnids.rs>
> *Subject:* [icann-see] Call for volunteers: Defining an elections
> mechanism for SEEDIG ex. com.
> Dear all,
> Following up on the email sent to you last week, we are hereby
> launching a *call for volunteers to help define an elections mechanism
> for SEEDIG's executive committee*.
> If you wish to contribute to this process, please *express your
> interest via this mailing list, by Friday, 4 August*, end of day.
> We remind you that the mechanism we will be working on will need to
> cover issues such as eligibility criteria, nomination method, voting,
> etc.Once a proposal is ready, it will be subject to community approval.
> In terms of timeline, please see below our proposal:
>   * End of August: Elections process defined.
>   * September (weeks 1-2 or 1-3): Running the elections.
>   * End of September (hard deadline): New ex. com. in place.
> We are aware of the tight timeframe, but we are confident that, with
> your help, we can make this work.
> Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> (on behalf of the executive committee)
> P.S. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank those of you
> who have followed up on our previous email.
> On 27 July 2017 at 14:51, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu
> <mailto:sorinat at diplomacy.edu>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     Since the meeting in Ohrid, there have been several questions
>     raised via the mailing list about SEEDIG going forward. While
>     apologising for not having addressed them so far, we would like to
>     inform you about several developments and decisions that concern
>     SEEDIG and the way ahead.
>     Following discussions in the executive committee (ex. com.), an
>     agreement was reached, by majority, on several points outlining
>     our vision on how to proceed in the months to come with the
>     overall SEEDIG process and the coordination of the work involved.
>     *1. The mandate of the current ex. com. ends with the finalisation
>     and publication of the SEEDIG 2017 report (to be ready by end of
>     August).*
>     In 2016, a five-member ex. com. was endorsed by the community for
>     a two-year circle (2017 and 2018). However, SEEDIG has grown fast
>     since then, and the circumstances have changed. We are, therefore,
>     of the view that our mandate, as entrusted to us last year, should
>     end with the 2017 circle, to allow the 2018 circle to start with a
>     fresh team. (Individual members of the current ex. com. are free
>     to run for elections.)
>     *2. While working on the report, a process is launched for
>     defining a mechanism for electing a new ex. com. (nomination
>     method, eligibility criteria, voting, etc). This should be
>     something the current ex. com. would work on together with the
>     community, looking at existing mechanisms (e.g. APrIGF, EuroDIG
>     Board, etc.).*
>     SEEDIG does not have a clear mechanism in place when it comes to
>     the election of the ex. com. While things worked smoothly in the
>     previous years, through community endorsements via the mailing
>     list, the growth of SEEDIG calls for the definition of a mechanism
>     for elections. While the current ex. com. is willing to coordinate
>     a process for defining such a mechanism, we welcome volunteers
>     from among you to contribute to this process. Any proposal for
>     such a mechanism will be subject to community approval.
>     *3. The ex. com. would be expanded from 5 to 7 members.*
>     As the SEEDIG process now includes several activities
>     (intersessional activities, Meeting Fellowship Programme, Youth
>     School, etc), the complexity of the work involved in planning or
>     coordinating these activities has increased as well. For this
>     reason, we are of the view that a larger ex. com. is needed. The
>     expansion of the ex. com. would be an issue for consideration
>     during the process mentioned at point 2 for defining an elections
>     mechanism.
>     *4. Once elected, the new ex. com. will be responsible for
>     elaborating a set of operating principles for SEEDIG, as well as a
>     strategic plan and a work plan. As interim solution, and until the
>     adoption of SEEDIG operating principles, the new ex. com. will
>     bind itself to applicable EuroDIG rules of operation (given point
>     7 below). The extent to which EuroDIG rules will be applicable to
>     the SEEDIG ex. com. will be subject to discussions between the new
>     ex. com. and EuroDIG and other SEEDIG supporting organisations.*
>     In Ohrid, a public meeting was held on the issue of creating a
>     legal structure for SEEDIG. At that session, it was underlined
>     that, while the need for a legal structure is unquestionable, we
>     should not rush the process for setting it up. Few weeks ago, at a
>     discussion with several SEEDIG sponsors, it was also noted that,
>     while the process for setting up a SEEDIG association is slowed
>     down, there is a need for clear rules/operating principles (OP)
>     governing both SEEDIG as a process and the functioning of its
>     coordination body. The OP are to cover issues such as: SEEDIG
>     objectives and ways of achieving those objectives (annual meeting,
>     intersessional activities); roles, responsibilities and procedures
>     for the coordinating body (including appointment, durations and
>     duties of the representative positions, etc.); relations with
>     supporting organisations; basic principles; etc. In addition, a
>     strategic plan and a work plan for SEEDIG were outlined also as
>     necessary documents.
>     *5. Everything else SEEDIG-related – intersessional activities,
>     host for SEEDIG 2018, communication tools, etc. – will also fall
>     within the responsibility of the new ex. com. The only exception
>     here could be the **monthly summary and hub*
>     <http://www.seedig.net/ig-developments-in-see/>*– whose continuity
>     and sustainability would be discussed with the community while the
>     election process is ongoing.*
>     This also means that the questions and suggestions circulated
>     lately via the mailing list (on issues such as additional capacity
>     development activities that SEEDIG could engage in) will be
>     addressed by the new ex. com.
>     *6. The hard deadline for having a new ex. com. in place is end of
>     September. This is because the usual EuroDIG call for issues is
>     launched on 1 October, and a decision needs to be made whether
>     there will be again a joint EuroDIG-SEEDIG call.*
>     Steps to be taken to meet this deadline include the definition of
>     an election mechanism (in line with point 2 above) and the actual
>     running of the elections. A detailed timeline for these two steps
>     is to be defined as part of the aforementioned mechanism. On 1
>     August, we will launch a call for volunteers to contribute to this
>     process.
>     *7. An agreement was reached in Tallinn (during the GA of the
>     EuroDIG Association) and endorsed by SEEDIG main sponsors, about
>     SEEDIG funds being managed by the EuroDIG Secretariat on an
>     interim basis (until a SEEDIG legal structure is created).*
>     This will be a continuation of the status quo, as SEEDIG funds
>     have been managed by the EuroDIG Secretariat for SEEDIG 2017. In
>     practical terms, this has meant that financial contributions to
>     SEEDIG were collected via the EuroDIG Secretariat, who has managed
>     the funds in line with decisions made by the SEEDIG ex. com.
>     We are aware that the points above are complex, and we stand ready
>     and available to answer any requests for clarification you might
>     have. We welcome your comments or questions, by 31 July. More from
>     us on 1 August, when we launch the process for creating an
>     elections mechanism for SEEDIG’s ex. com.
>     Thank you!
>     Best regards,
>     Sorina
>     (on behalf of SEEDIG's executive committee)
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