[icann-see] Internet governance developments in SEE - Invitation to contribute

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Wed Sep 14 22:28:38 CEST 2016

Dear all,

We have discussed before about SEEDIG being ready to engage in more
activities in addition to the annual meeting. We have done some modest
progress in this regard, with the Internet governance (IG) survey earlier
this year, and, more recently, with the contribution to the IGF
inter-sessional work.

We are now writing to invite you to contribute to a new initiative:*
‘Internet governance developments in SEE’.* The initiative, developed in
collaboration with DiploFoundation, has two components:

   - Monthly summaries of IG developments in South Eastern Europe and the
   neighbouring area (SEE); and
   - A SEE hub for monthly IG briefings, to be held in conjunction
with the Geneva
   Internet Platform briefings <http://giplatform.org/briefings>.

A more detailed description of the initiative is attached to this email. We
trust that the proposed activities would contribute to achieving SEEDIG’s
objectives, especially with regard to strengthening dialogue and exchange
of information on IG issues within our community.

We would like to launch this initiative with a* first summary of regional
IG developments for the month of September. *As such, you are all kindly
invited to help us prepare this summary by *sharing with us updates about
IG activities and developments happening this month in your
countries/communities. *

A draft law dealing with an Internet-related topic, a court case having an
impact on digital human rights, an improvement in the functioning of your
ccTLD registry, or an event discussing Internet issues - all these are only
few examples of updates that could feature, at the end of the month, in the
summary of IG developments in SEE.

*Please share your updates via this mailing list.* They don’t have to be
overly detailed; one or two paragraphs describing the development, and a
link to further information would be enough. (Of course, you are more than
welcome to provide a more elaborated update, should you wish to.) We will
then use these updates for the preparation of the summary. Once finalised,
the summary will be published and distributed online, via SEEDIG and Diplo

Regarding the second component of the initiative - the SEE hub for IG
briefings - this will be very much dependant on the success of the monthly
summary. We will therefore provide you with more details on this in the
coming weeks.

Thank you! And we look forward to both your feedback on this initiative, as
well as your updates.

Best regards,


(on behalf of SEEDIG executive committee and DiploFoundation)
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