[icann-see] Draft SEEDIG contribution to the IGF intersessional work - Call for comments. DL: 12 Sept.
Narine Khachatryan
ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 12:44:16 CEST 2016
Dear Sorina and all,
I would suggest be careful when including few lines about cybersecurity in
connection to the digital divide issue. Since the digital
divide-cybersecurity connection is not always direct or evident, we at
least need to illustrate and exemplify our point.
Dear Michael, fully support your point, when individuals access the
Internet, they should feel safe and secure online and have their data
protected, which is a prerequisite for e-government and e-commerce
On the other hand, low dependence of vital infrastructures on online
networks makes them apparently less vulnerable to cyber offensives.
Therefore, if we can illustrate how increased connectivity (for instance,
coordinated efforts, regional cooperation, etc.) makes states more secure,
then perhaps, the link between digital divide and the region's
cybersecurity level will become more evident.
Sorina, thank you for your constant efforts and kind regards to everyone!
Narine Khachatryan
Program Coordinator, Safer Internet Armenia <http://www.safe.am/> Media
Education Center <http://www.mediaeducation.am/>
Yerevan, Armenia
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 1:15 PM, Michael Oghia <
mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sorina and the SEEDIG EC, all:
> Thank you for putting this together. Not only is it comprehensive and
> filled with relevant policy recommendations and other calls for action, but
> it also stands as a testament to the importance of maintaining SEEDIG. It
> reminded me of the important discussions we had and outcomes that followed,
> and also filled me with motivation, excitement, and optimism for next
> year's SEEDIG. You all do such great work for the SEEDIG community!
> Attached is the draft with some edits but no comments. The only comments I
> have I will leave here:
> I recommend including at least a few lines about cybersecurity in the
> region and its connection to the digital divide(s). E.g., when individuals
> are accessing the Internet, they should feel safe and secure online.
> Moreover, their data should be protected, and is also a key component of
> expanding both e-government and e-commerce activity in the region, as users
> submit sensitive data, financial information, copies of passports or other
> documents, etc. As a policy suggestion, ensuring both services and
> end-users are familiar with how to protect themselves and their data (e.g.,
> HTTPS, using secure forms, two-factor authentication, etc.), could be very
> beneficial.
> Also, there was no mention of providing better support and training for
> Internet exchange point (IXP) operators and peering services in the region,
> which help keep traffic local, encourage ISP cooperation, and host local
> DNS and content distribution network servers.
> Again, thank you for this, and great job! Sending everyone my warmest
> regards from my new home: Belgrade
> Best,
> -Michael
> __________________
> Michael J. Oghia
> iGmena <http://igmena.org/> communications manager
> 2016 ISOC IGF returning ambassador
> Independent #netgov consultant & editor
> Belgrade, Serbia
> Skype: mikeoghia
> Twitter <https://www.twitter.com/MikeOghia> *|* LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeoghia>
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Anja Gengo <anja.gengo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Sorina,
>> Many thanks for sharing the draft with us and for your hard work on
>> gathering the main points from the DD session and additional formatting.
>> The content looks great to me and I believe it will be a significant
>> contribution to the CENB II. If you will need us to work on anything
>> specific, please don't hesitate to contact.
>> Best regards,
>> Anja
>> On 6 September 2016 at 21:45, Sorina Teleanu <
>> sorinat at diplomacy.edu> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Although we have not received any input in response to the call below,
>>> we have given it a try ourselves and prepared a draft SEEDIG contribution
>>> to the IGF inter-sessional programme on Policy Options for Connecting and
>>> Enabling the Next Billion. This draft contribution is a reflection of the
>>> discussions held during the digital divide session
>>> <http://www.seedig.net/seedig-2016-session-2/> at SEEDIG 2016.
>>> Before submitting it to the IGF Secretariat, *we would like to share
>>> this draft with you and kindly ask for your feedback. *You can make
>>> comments and edits on the text directly (please use track changes), or send
>>> us your suggestions by email, via this list.
>>> Please note that the draft contribution is merely an extensive summary
>>> of the afore-mentioned session. It does not claim to provide a
>>> comprehensive overview of the situation in SEE and the neighbouring area
>>> when it comes to access and digital divide. However, should you wish to add
>>> new points to what is now included in the draft, you are welcome to do so.
>>> The deadline for comments is next* Monday, 12 September. *
>>> Thank you and we hope to hear from you.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sorina
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>
>>> Date: 5 August 2016 at 16:05
>>> Subject: SEEDIG's contribution to the IGF intersessional work - Call for
>>> input. DL: 31 August
>>> To: icann-see at rnids.rs
>>> Dear all,
>>> As you might know, the Internet Governance Forum
>>> <http://www.intgovforum.org> has launched a call for public input
>>> <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/policy-options-for-connection-the-next-billion/cenb-ii#about>
>>> on Phase II of the inter-sessional project 'Policy Option for
>>> Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion'.
>>> <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/policy-options-for-connection-the-next-billion/cenb-ii#about>
>>> All IGF stakeholders, including national and regional IGF initiatives, are
>>> invited to contribute their views and experiences, especially by
>>> emphasising local and regional specificities, challenges and success
>>> stories in terms of policies aimed at connecting more individuals and
>>> enabling them to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the
>>> Internet.
>>> We believe it would be important and worthwhile for SEEDIG, as a
>>> sub-regional initiative, to contribute to the IGF intersessional work. In
>>> order to do so, we are proposing *an online process that would allow us
>>> to collect contributions from the Internet community in South Eastern
>>> Europe and the neighbouring area, compile them, and submit them to the IGF
>>> Secretariat as SEEDIG's contribution. *
>>> For this, *we kindly invite you to review the IGF call, and send us
>>> your input.* This input may take various forms, *from a simple
>>> reflection of your views on the proposed theme ('Policy Option for
>>> Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion'), to concise answers to one or
>>> more of the specific questions outlined in the call
>>> <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/policy-options-for-connection-the-next-billion/cenb-ii#contribute>.*
>>> Please send your input *via this mailing list by 31 August.* We will
>>> then compile all contributions in one single document, and send it to you
>>> for review, before submitting it to the IGF Secretariat. (Please note that
>>> the 31 July deadline mentioned in the IGF call does not apply to IGF
>>> initiatives, hence our proposed timeline.)
>>> As we have mentioned many times before, we think that SEEDIG is now
>>> ready to engage in more activities besides its annual meetings. And an
>>> active participation in the IGF intersessional work could be one
>>> significant step in this regard. However, this will only be possible with
>>> your contribution, which we look forward to receiving over the next few
>>> weeks.
>>> We thank you in advance and we look forward to hearing from you. And we
>>> also encourage you to further distribute this call within your communities.
>>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding this initiative, please
>>> do not hesitate to contact us.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sorina
>>> (on behalf of SEEDIG executive committee)
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