[icann-see] SEEDIG Asssociation

Bogdan Manolea bogdan at legi-internet.ro
Thu Oct 27 16:36:58 CEST 2016

> 1.       International organisations are not available as model of
> organizing in SEE. You can check http://www.uia.org/taxonomy/term/2
> Building something in those countries need extra effort and a lot more
> in order to taxation, money issues with banks, paperwork and payments.
> There is another aspect which makes this somehow not wanted: in order to
> get funding from some EU project, it’s better that org is coming outside
> of EU, which half of the countries in SEE are.

Yeap, just make sure that NGOs from other countries may become members
in the new organisation.
Not sure about the funding opportunities, I think you know better.

> 2.       There is no problem to have legal entity as member, nor private
> person. It will be regulated under the statute, in phase 2. Possibility
> of further change depends on the domestic law, where association will be
> formed – in some countries You need to have both from the beginning.

Ok, thanks

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