[icann-see] Comment on the SEE breifing

Michael Oghia mike.oghia at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 12:12:00 CEST 2016

Hi Sorina,

Thank you! I didn't realize the links are already provided -- thanks for
being a step ahead (as always :-) )

About your recommendation, I also encourage everyone to share information
about upcoming events (even if they cannot be featured in the upcoming
monthly SEE briefing). Perhaps another aspect of this means expanding our
outreach to include more people on this list who can then send information
about such events.

Keep up the good work!


On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Sorina Teleanu <sorinat at diplomacy.edu>

> Dear Michael,
> Thank you for the feedback of the October issue of the *Internet
> governance in SEE* summary.
> Regarding upcoming events in the region, we do try to identify as many of
> them as possible and include them in the monthly summary. As to your
> question on 'how did we originally find our about the events?', in most
> cases it is a matter of us actively searching for such information.
> This list could also serve as a space to exchange information about events
> happening across the region. So I take this opportunity to encourage
> everyone here, once again, to let us know about upcoming events in their
> countries.
> And one note: links are provided for the events we list in the summary -
> you just need to click on the small square icons.
> I hope this answers your questions.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> On 26 October 2016 at 11:43, Michael Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After reading through the SEE briefing (which was great -- awesome job to
>> all who contributed!), I saw 3-4 different events that either:
>> 1. I had never heard of before (e.g., ICANN-Studienkreis)
>> 2. Were happening in Belgrade but I had the slightest idea about.
>> I recognize that as someone who does not speak a local language of the
>> Western Balkans, clearly my participation could be hindered (or I might not
>> be able to access the announcement, especially if it's in cyrillic).
>> However, my question to the group is how can we better learn about such
>> events so we don't just read about them but actually attend?
>> Obviously, the events for the upcoming month is great (and if links could
>> be provided in case we need to register, that could be helpful as well).
>> But how did we originally find out about the events to begin with?
>> Best,
>> -Michael
>> __________________
>> Michael J. Oghia
>> iGmena <http://igmena.org/> communications manager
>> 2016 ISOC IGF returning ambassador
>> Independent #netgov consultant & editor
>> Belgrade, Serbia
>> Skype: mikeoghia
>> Twitter <https://www.twitter.com/MikeOghia> *|* LinkedIn
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeoghia>
> --
> Sorina Teleanu
> Digital Policy Senior Researcher
> DiploFoundation
> www.diplomacy.edu | www.giplatform.org | digitalwatch.giplatform.org
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