[icann-see] Bosnia Herzegovina second BHIGF - 21 October Sarajevo
hvale - owp
valentina at oneworldplatform.net
Mon Oct 17 10:53:49 CEST 2016
Dear everyone,
This year on 21st of October the second BHIGF will be once more a space
for open, inclusive and informal dialogue for all interested
stakeholders (government, business sector, civil society, technical
community, academia and media) interested in sharing, shaping and
contributing to straighten Internet Governance in BiH, with strong
encouragement for gender equality participation. This year too we will
hosting a pre-event for younger participants, students from all over
Bosnia Herzegovina.
Attached the agenda in English and a short overall presentation of this
year event if you want to register, bellow the link via EventBrite:
We are going also to organize a streaming so will be sharing the link
for the one interested in following it. So follow the website of the
initiative http://bhigf.ba
I am particularly happy that this year panel will focus on
accessibility, freedom of the media and extremism online and that
together with representative from the Council of Europe, the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, and BiH IT companies such as
Networks, Ping, Telrad and the ETF we will talk and explore practices,
and challenges of BiH Start-up, Internet Service Providers, the role of
Internet in empowering the exercise of human rights and promoting
innovation and economic growth in BH Internet Economy.
Best regards, hvale
valentina pellizzer
One World Platform
mobile: +387 (0)61 484 038
phone/fax: +387 (0)33 834 899
twitter: @froatosebe
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