[Icann-see] Invitation for Sub-regional South Caucasus Internet Governance Forum - IGF Tbilisi 2016 (September/5)

Dusan Stojicevic dusan at dukes.in.rs
Wed Jul 6 13:43:35 CEST 2016

Dear Ucha,


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From: GeoIGF [mailto:info at geoigf.ge] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 12:15 PM
To: dusan at dukes.in.rs; sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro
Cc: icann-see at rnids.rs
Subject: Invitation for Sub-regional South Caucasus Internet Governance Forum - IGF Tbilisi 2016 (September/5)


Hello Dear Maxim and Sorina, 

We have a honor to invite you for participation and support First Sub-regional South Caucasus Internet Governance Forum - IGF Tbilisi 2016 on September of 5.

Following the Forum, early in 2016, “Association of Small, and Medium Telecommunications Operators of Georgia”and NGO "Internet Development Initiative" along with other members of the engineering and academic community established primary initiative group to organize sub-regional IGF in Tbilisi. Representatives of the state telecom regulator - Georgian National Communication Commission, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and Georgian chapter of Internet Society, later joined the group. 

The Charter of the Forum is based on the recommendation of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the Internet Society (ISOC) and the Internet Governance Forum Secretariat and the best practices and implies the multilateral engagement model for development of the Forum agenda, organization of the Forum with minimum cost and maximum transparency and maximum involvement of the parties. Internet Governance Forum is based on the cooperation of all stakeholders, bringing together 5 interested groups: government, private sector, civil society, the experts of scientific - educational and technology sphere and the representatives of international organizations. All participants of the Forum take part as equal partners.

The Executive Committee meeting of the Forum took place on June 2 of this year; For the upcoming 2016 event the Executive Committee selected Forum’s Working Group, Host Organizations and a coordinator. The Executive committee also discussed the draft agenda of the Forum and approved the date of the event, as I mentioned above, which is on September 5 and review test version of the Forum web site www.geoigf.ge <http://www.geoigf.ge> .  On 6 of September, we are planning to organize the social event and lunch for guests near Tbilisi.

Please see attached Agenda draft, which is under voting process right now on the webpage, but the draft was approved by executive committee and can be changed slightly.

With Kind Regards,

Ucha Seturi

Tbilisi IGF 2016 Executive Committee Coordinator

Tel: 995 577 773 733

Skype: Ucha Seturi



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