[Icann-see] SEEDIG 2016: Reminder - poll for the January virtual planning meeting

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro
Tue Jan 5 09:17:17 CET 2016

Dear all,

Happy new year to you!

I would like to kindly remind you about the Doodle poll that should help us set the date and time for the SEEDIG planning meeting late next week. Please go to the link below and indicate your availability:
The poll stays open until 6 January.

Thank you!

Best regards,


De la: Sorina Teleanu
Trimis: 28 decembrie 2015 15:16
Către: icann-see at rnids.rs
Subiect: SEEDIG 2016: reminder about the call for issues + poll for the January virtual planning meeting

Dear all,

We are writing to you on two topics:

1. Call for issues for SEEDIG and EuroDIG - reminder
We would like to kindly remind you that the call for issues for SEEDIG and EuroDIG is still open until 31 December. Please take advantage of the few remaining days and submit your proposals: http://www.eurodig.org/get-involved/call-for-issues/proposal-submission/ (Many thanks to those who have already responded to the call.)

2. SEEDIG virtual planning meeting - Doodle poll
As previously announced, a SEEDIG virtual planning meeting will be held in early January, and it will be aimed at:
- discussing the proposals submitted for SEEDIG 2016;
- initiating work on the draft programme outline for SEEDIG 2016;
- discussing about the overarching theme for SEEDIG 2016.
A Doodle poll has been set up with possible time slots for holding such a meeting on 14 or 15 January, and we would like to kindly ask you to visit this poll and indicate your availability:
The poll will remain open until 6 January. We will then send you further details about the exact date and time of the meeting, which will be held via the Webex remote participation platform.

In case you need a reminder about the process and milestones for SEEDIG 2016, we are sending you again the attached document in which you can find all these details.

Finally, we wish you all happy holidays and a wonderful new year! And we are looking forward to continuing to work with you throughout 2016.

Best regards,

(on behalf of SEEDIG's executive committee)

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