[Icann-see] SEEDIG 2016: input requested on the overarching theme and the speakers' corner
fotjon kosta
fotjon_kosta at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 25 08:55:33 CET 2016
Hi All,
i agree with "Can We SEE Internet Governance?"
Thank you
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016 11:25 AM, Anja Gengo <anja.gengo at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,
Thank you Nebojsa. Great idea to replace 'you' with 'we'.
On 24 February 2016 at 10:58, Valentina Pavel <valentina.pavel at gmail.com> wrote:
Sounds good! I also like itOn Feb 24, 2016 11:51 AM, "Michael Oghia" <mike.oghia at gmail.com> wrote:
Agreed, the "we" instead of "you" strengthens it as a theme, and I extend my support for it.
Michael J. Oghia
Istanbul, Turkey2015 ISOC IGF Ambassador#TCKchat co-host, 1st sessionSkype: mikeoghiaTwitter | LinkedIn
On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Ana Kakalashvili <anna.kakalashvili at gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,
Me too support the "we" part in "Can [...] SEE Internet Governance". Sounds even more personalized :)
On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Dr. Tatiana Tropina <t.tropina at mpicc.de> wrote:
Hi all,
I already indicated few times on the calls, that I am supporting the
theme "Can you SEE Internet governance?". I think it looks even better
with "we". Good idea, Nebojsa.
On 24/02/16 09:29, Nebojsa Regoje wrote:
> Dear all!
> I like how it sounds “Can you SEE Internet governance?”. Only change that I should make is replace "you" with "we", i.e. "Can we SEE Internet governance?"
> Regards!
> Nebojsa Regoje
> -----Original Message-----
> From: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs [mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Sorina Teleanu
> Sent: 20. februar 2016 13:05
> To: icann-see at rnids.rs
> Subject: [Icann-see] SEEDIG 2016: input requested on the overarching theme and the speakers' corner
> Importance: High
> Dear all,
> We are contacting you to kindly ask for your input on two important issues related to the SEEDIG 2016 meeting:
> 1. Overarching theme
> As you know, SEEDIG 2016 needs to have an overarching theme. We have asked for your input before, but we are still at the stage of having only one proposal on the table (made during one of the virtual meetings): “Can you SEE Internet governance?”.
> We are therefore kindly inviting you to contribute to identifying an overarching theme for the April meeting, either by sharing your views on the proposal mentioned above, or by making new suggestions. The final deadline for your input in Wednesday, 24 February, COB.
> 2. Speakers’ corner
> As announced before, a ‘speakers’ corner’ has been included as an addition to the programme for SEEDIG 2016. This is intended for 5-10 min. short presentations (on specific Internet governance-related issues, projects, programmes, initiatives) to be held outside of the main schedule, during coffee breaks.
> If you are interested in having a slot at the speakers’ corner, please send us an email with a very brief description of your proposed topic (two-three lines), by Sunday, 13 March, COB. Please note that slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis, while also considering the relevance of the proposed topics.
> Please send us your input via e‐mail, to icann‐see at rnids.rs (mailing list) and/or see at intgovforum.org (e‐mail address of the executive committee).
> Thank you and we are looking forward to hearing from you!
> Best regards,
> Aida, Dusan, Iliya, Lianna and Sorina
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Anja Gengo
+387 65 762 712
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