[icann-see] SEEDIG 2017: Updates and reminder about call for issues

Sorina Teleanu sorinat at diplomacy.edu
Fri Dec 16 13:55:33 CET 2016

Dear all,

We are writing to you with few updates and one reminder regarding the
SEEDIG 2017 meeting.

*1. New date for SEEDIG 2017*

As officially announced during the IGF lat week, and as many of you already
know, the SEEDIG 2017 meeting has been rescheduled for *25 May *(due to
logistical reasons beyond our control).

In addition, *a half-day pre-event is also planned for 24 May. *Building on
your feedback after the SEEDIG 2016 meeting, the pre-event will most likely
be dedicated to capacity building and awareness raising on Internet

This change does not affect other details regarding the meeting:
- The location remains Ohrid, Macedonia. Initial information about venue
and accommodation is available at http://www.seedig.net/venue-accommodation/
- Milestones in the preparatory process remain unchanged as well:

*2. Call for issues: Please submit your topic!*

The call for issues for SEEDIG and EuroDIG 2017
<http://www.seedig.net/call-for-issues/> remains open until *31 December*.
As there are only two weeks left, we would like to strongly encourage you
to submit your proposals for issues to be discussed at our meeting next

As explained in the Programme guidelines
<http://www.seedig.net/programme-guidelines/>, your input and contributions
are key for shaping the programme for SEEDIG 2017.

*3. Virtual planning meeting*

Once the call for issues is closed, the next milestone for SEEDIG 2017 will
be a virtual planning meeting dedicated to discussions on: the submitted
issues, a possible draft programme, the overarching theme for the meeting,
and the content and format of the pre-event.

This meeting is tentatively planned for *the week of 16 January*. More
details will follow in early January.

If you have questions on any of the above, please let us know.

Thank you! And we hope to see many proposals coming from you over the next
two weeks.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)
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