[icann-see] Save the date: Regional Internet Forum - RIF 2017 in Belgrade

Jelena Ožegović Jelena.Ozegovic at rnids.rs
Mon Dec 5 16:36:55 CET 2016

The third Regional Internet Forum – RIF 2017, will be hosted by RNIDS on March 8th 2017, at the „Metropol Palace<http://www.metropolpalace.com/>“ hotel in Belgrade.

RIF is being traditionally held as the second day of the Serbian Internet Domains Day – DIDS conference<http://dids.rs/en/final-homepage/>, devoted to the development of the Internet globally and on Serbia's national internet domains.
Save these dates in your calendar and join us at RIF and DIDS 2017 in Belgrade.

The redefined mission and the goal of RIF 2017 is to gather regional national domain name registries and organizations closely related to domain issues, at the same place. Therefore, RIF 2017 will gather both domain registries, as well as representatives of public authorities from the region, state regulatory bodies for telecommunications, registrars, CERTs and other Internet security organizations, together with the interested internet communities.

Panel discussions about the role of national registries in the region, information security and presenting ideas for cooperation and joint projects are only part of the RIF 2017 program which will be published, together with the schedule and detailed information about the speakers, at the event’s official website - rif.rs/en<http://rif.rs/en/final-homepage/>, where you may also see more information about the first and the second RIF.

See you in March!
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Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation

Žorža Klemansoa 18а/I, 11108 Belgrade, PAK 101147, Serbia
Tel: +381.11.7281.281 |  rnids.rs<http://rnids.rs/>   |  домен.срб<http://домен.срб/>

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