[Icann-see] [news at eurodig.org] EuroDIG Info letter 4/15 - Register now!

sandra at eurodig.org sandra at eurodig.org
Mon May 4 13:23:37 CEST 2015








     Sofia 4-5 June 2015
Info letter no. 4/15


"Shaping the Internet together"


.        Registration is now open


Registration for EuroDIG 2015 has opened early April. It's now getting
urgent to  <http://www.eurodig.org/registration-form/> register for the 8th
EuroDIG and the South Eastern European pre-event (SEEDIG) until 31 May 2015.
Both events are free of charge and open to everyone. We can offer special
hotel rates for the main venue
<http://www.kempinski.com/en/sofia/hotel-zografski/welcome/> Kempinski Hotel
Marinela. Please find all details at the
<http://www.eurodig.org/eurodig-2015/> EuroDIG Sofia event page. And please
book ASAP!


.        Call for inputs


As a novelty at EuroDIG, three sessions are asking for prior inputs from the
community. We are inviting all stakeholders to contribute with their inputs
into these sessions in advance of EuroDIG:


(1.) For the opening plenary: "How can we shape the digital single market

use the Wikipage
ther%3F>  or email to opening at eurodig.org 


(2.) For plenary 3 "Net Neutrality"

Use the  <http://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Net_neutrality> Wikipage or the
editing tool <http://www.eurodig.org/eurodig-2015/net-neutrality-statement/>
or email to  <mailto:pl3 at eurodig.org> pl3 at eurodig.org


(3.) For workshop 1" Participation in a digital society" 

Use the Wikipage
Where%3F#Guiding_questions>  or email to ws1 at eurodig.org 


.        New workshop 9 "Policy Menus for connecting the next Billion"


As we couldn't find a focal point and team to follow up on the topic open
source, we had to reconfigure this WS. We dedicated it to the IGF global
subject "Policy Menus for connecting the next Billion". Focal point for this
new session is Lee Hibbard from the Council of Europe and interested people
are kindly invited to join the org team. Please express you interest to
<mailto:ws9 at eurodig.org> ws9 at eurodig.org


.        Finish for the Sofia programme


The organizing teams for each session have started their work during the
last weeks. If you are interested to participate in an org team, just let us
know or visit the  <http://www.eurodigwiki.org> EuroDIG wiki. This is the
place where org teams publish their work and where you can get involved in
any session of your interest. The wiki aims to keep all information and
workflows in one place. Additionally, it increases the inclusiveness and
transparency of the EuroDIG process by allowing other interested people to
join the teams at any time - according to our slogan: ". always open, always
inclusive and never too late to get involved".


We hope to welcome plenty of you soon in Sofia!

The EuroDIG team


Subscribe / unsubscribe  <http://www.eurodig.org/about/newsletter/> here or
follow us on twitter @_eurodig!


European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)

 <mailto:office at eurodig.org> office at eurodig.org
 <http://www.eurodig.org> www.eurodig.org


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