[Icann-see] SEEDIG - Call for input on draft session descriptions. DL: 22 March
Plamena Popova
plam.popova at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 14:58:06 CET 2015
Dear Sorina and all,
Thanks again for the draft program (and your efforts in organizing the
As Oksana I would like to express my support to the proposed sessions,
wordings etc.
Though the proposals for panelists should be given on a later stage (after
22 March as I noted in your email) I would like to follow Bissera input
above regarding the Session on Human Rights.
I would like to strongly suggest the participation of prof. George Dimitrov
as a panelist in this session. Prof. Dimitrov is in fact one of the
prominent lawyers in the sphere of Internet & Law (he is founder of the
Internet & Law Foundation, very active member of numerous organizations
etc.) Prof. Dimitrov has a detailed view on the relevant events/picture not
only in Bulgaria but in the region and EU level. There is a link to his
resume - http://www.dpc.bg/en/lawyers/assoc-prof-dr-george-dimitrov.html
Prof. Dimitrov already confirmed (at preliminary talks) his availability to
attend on the given dates/event.
Best regards,
2015-03-11 22:14 GMT+02:00 Bissera Zankova <bzankova at gmail.com>:
> Dear Sorina,
> Thank you for your hard work and for the draft programme which is well
> balanced and creates the necessary framework for fruitful and comprehensive
> discussions.
> With regard to session two I would like to make a few comments. The CoE
> Guide to human rights for Internet users is one of the elements only of the
> long lasting trend of this organization aiming at protecting and enhancing
> human rights in the new digital environment and particularly on the net. It
> is worth discussing CoE overall policy and the Int governance strategy
> because it is not well known in the region. The guide is just one facet for
> implementing a human rights oriented policy.
> Next proposal concerns participants and moderators. In my view Maja
> Rakovich as a CDMSI chair is a good choice to sit on the panel because she
> may provide explanation of the goals of the committee's activities and
> future commitments in the field of Int governance. As a moderator of this
> session I would opt for Matthias Traimer who has a profound experience in
> these matters and also good practice as an acclaimed moderator in other
> international fora.Besides in 2014 in Graz a conference on
> "Shaping the digital environment - ensuring our rights on the Internet"
> was held and Matthias was the motor of the event. Matthias has the
> intellectual capacity and knowledge as a constitutional lawyer to guide
> debates during this session.He can also share messages from Graz and point
> to future initiatives.
> Ms. Nelly Stoyanova who is a MTITC official seconded to BEREC was the
> Bulgarian representative in the expert group on the human rights of Int
> users. Possibly you could contact her and invite her to the forum and
> especially to session two to express her views on the implementation of the
> guide.
> Factually the Guide is not very popular with the Bulgarian public and
> different target groups - it has only been translated and placed on the
> ministry's website. Being so no particular specialist comes to mind to be
> recommended to speak about its value for the adoption of a national human
> centred Int policy and mechanisms.
> I put a full stop here, all the best and if I can help with more ideas and
> proposals, please, let me know
> Bissera
> 2015-03-09 19:12 GMT+02:00 Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>:
>> Dear all,
>> As agreed during the previous virtual meeting, Lianna, Naser and I have
>> worked on some draft session descriptions for the four sessions included in
>> the SEEDIG's draft programme. We have also consulted Loreta Vioiu, from the
>> Council of Europe, with regards to the session on human rights.
>> Attached is a revised version of the draft programme outline, which
>> includes, for each of the four sessions:
>> - the initial outline of the session (from the previous version of the
>> draft programme - this will be removed once we agree on the session
>> description);
>> - a proposed session description (which is, basically, a more
>> expanded/detailed version of the initial outline). In some cases you will
>> notice some text in square brackets. This means that we are not sure
>> whether that specific text should be included or not.
>> - some notes on: key participants, moderator, remote moderator (a remote
>> moderator is a person who will facilitate the interaction between those
>> participating online, via the remote participation platform, and the onsite
>> participants), rapporteur. In some instances, we have added some names, as
>> possible options. But in other cases you will just see empty spaces.
>> - a space to add links to documents/materials that are relevant to the
>> session. We have thought that it would be useful to add such materials, so
>> that participants can read in advance of the session and understand the
>> topics better.
>> You are now all kindly invited to provide your comments and suggestions
>> on this revised version of the programme, by 22 March:
>> 1. Please indicate whether you agree with the proposed session
>> descriptions or whether you have comments and/or suggestions for revisions.
>> If you want to make revisions, you are kindly invited to make them directly
>> on the attached document, using track changes (so we can easily notice the
>> changes). Some brief motivations for your proposed revisions will also be
>> appreciated.
>> 2. If at this stage you have ideas for possible key participants,
>> moderators, remote moderators or rapporteurs, please add those in the
>> document as well. Please note that you do not have to contact such persons
>> yet, as the idea is to first have a pool of possible names to choose from
>> in a next step. Please also take into account that the focus of the
>> sessions might suffer changes based on the comments we received during the
>> next two weeks.
>> 3. Please feel free to add links to resources you think are relevant for
>> each session.
>> Note: we should try to adhere, as much as possible, to the EuroDIG
>> session principles, especially with regards to ensuring stakeholder
>> balances dialogue and considering geographical and gender balance:
>> http://www.eurodig.org/get-involved/organising-a-session/#jfmulticontent_c363-3
>> As some of our session are intended to have a capacity building dimension,
>> thus inviting key participants from some specific entities, we might not be
>> able to follow such principles in all instances.
>> Next steps:
>> After the 22 March deadline, we will organise another virtual meeting,
>> most probably in the week of 23 March (I will send a Doodle poll for that),
>> to discuss the input received. The aim of this virtual meeting will be to
>> first agree on the session descriptions and then, depending on the results
>> of this consultation, look into the options for possible key participants,
>> moderators, rapporteurs.
>> Meanwhile, I would also like to encourage you all to use the invitation
>> template we have developed in our previous meeting in order to reach out to
>> your respective communities and invite people to participate in the SEEDIG.
>> Likewise, please also let us know if you have any suggestion/idea for
>> possible sponsors. While the logistics costs for the event will be covered
>> from the EuroDIG budget (many thanks to EuroDIG Secretariat for making this
>> possible), we need to ensure we have participants in the event - and any
>> amount that could go into funding some participants will be of great help.
>> I will also suggest that the first item of discussion in our next virtual
>> meeting is outreach and sponsorship.
>> Thank you all and looking forward to your feedback. And special thanks to
>> Lianna, Naser and Loreta for their help with the session descriptions.
>> Best regards,
>> Sorina
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