[Icann-see] SEEDIG - Call for input on draft session descriptions. DL: 22 March

Bissera Zankova bzankova at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 21:14:59 CET 2015

Dear Sorina,
Thank you for your hard work and for the draft programme which is well
balanced and creates the necessary framework for fruitful and comprehensive
With regard to session two I would like to make a few comments. The CoE
Guide to human rights for Internet users is one of the elements only of the
long lasting trend of this organization aiming at protecting and enhancing
human rights in the new digital environment and particularly on the net. It
is worth discussing CoE overall policy and the Int governance strategy
because it is not well known in the region. The guide is just one facet for
implementing a human rights oriented policy.
Next proposal concerns participants and moderators. In my view Maja
Rakovich as a CDMSI chair is a good choice to sit on the panel because she
may provide explanation of the goals of the committee's activities and
future commitments in the field of Int governance. As a moderator of this
session I would opt for Matthias Traimer who has a profound experience in
these matters and also good practice as an acclaimed moderator in other
international fora.Besides in 2014 in Graz a conference on
 "Shaping the digital environment - ensuring our rights on the Internet"

was held and Matthias was the motor of the event. Matthias has the
intellectual capacity and knowledge as a constitutional lawyer to guide
debates during this session.He can also share messages from Graz and point
to future initiatives.

Ms. Nelly Stoyanova who is a MTITC official seconded to BEREC was the
Bulgarian representative in the expert group on the human rights of Int
users. Possibly you could contact her and invite her to the forum and
especially to session two to express her views on the implementation of the

Factually the Guide is not very popular with the Bulgarian public and
different target groups - it has only been translated and placed on the
ministry's website. Being so no particular specialist comes to mind to be
recommended to speak about its value for the adoption of a national human
centred Int policy and mechanisms.

I put a full stop here, all the best and if I can help with more ideas and
proposals, please, let me know


2015-03-09 19:12 GMT+02:00 Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>:

> Dear all,
> As agreed during the previous virtual meeting, Lianna, Naser and I have
> worked on some draft session descriptions for the four sessions included in
> the SEEDIG's draft programme. We have also consulted Loreta Vioiu, from the
> Council of Europe, with regards to the session on human rights.
> Attached is a revised version of the draft programme outline, which
> includes, for each of the four sessions:
> - the initial outline of the session (from the previous version of the
> draft programme - this will be removed once we agree on the session
> description);
> - a proposed session description (which is, basically, a more
> expanded/detailed version of the initial outline). In some cases you will
> notice some text in square brackets. This means that we are not sure
> whether that specific text should be included or not.
> - some notes on: key participants, moderator, remote moderator (a remote
> moderator is a person who will facilitate the interaction between those
> participating online, via the remote participation platform, and the onsite
> participants), rapporteur. In some instances, we have added some names, as
> possible options. But in other cases you will just see empty spaces.
> - a space to add links to documents/materials that are relevant to the
> session. We have thought that it would be useful to add such materials, so
> that participants can read in advance of the session and understand the
> topics better.
> You are now all kindly invited to provide your comments and suggestions on
> this revised version of the programme, by 22 March:
> 1. Please indicate whether you agree with the proposed session
> descriptions or whether you have comments and/or suggestions for revisions.
> If you want to make revisions, you are kindly invited to make them directly
> on the attached document, using track changes (so we can easily notice the
> changes). Some brief motivations for your proposed revisions will also be
> appreciated.
> 2. If at this stage you have ideas for possible key participants,
> moderators, remote moderators or rapporteurs, please add those in the
> document as well. Please note that you do not have to contact such persons
> yet, as the idea is to first have a pool of possible names to choose from
> in a next step. Please also take into account that the focus of the
> sessions might suffer changes based on the comments we received during the
> next two weeks.
> 3. Please feel free to add links to resources you think are relevant for
> each session.
> Note: we should try to adhere, as much as possible, to the EuroDIG session
> principles, especially with regards to ensuring stakeholder balances
> dialogue and considering geographical and gender balance:
> http://www.eurodig.org/get-involved/organising-a-session/#jfmulticontent_c363-3
> As some of our session are intended to have a capacity building dimension,
> thus inviting key participants from some specific entities, we might not be
> able to follow such principles in all instances.
> Next steps:
> After the 22 March deadline, we will organise another virtual meeting,
> most probably in the week of 23 March (I will send a Doodle poll for that),
> to discuss the input received. The aim of this virtual meeting will be to
> first agree on the session descriptions and then, depending on the results
> of this consultation, look into the options for possible key participants,
> moderators, rapporteurs.
> Meanwhile, I would also like to encourage you all to use the invitation
> template we have developed in our previous meeting in order to reach out to
> your respective communities and invite people to participate in the SEEDIG.
> Likewise, please also let us know if you have any suggestion/idea for
> possible sponsors. While the logistics costs for the event will be covered
> from the EuroDIG budget (many thanks to EuroDIG Secretariat for making this
> possible), we need to ensure we have participants in the event - and any
> amount that could go into funding some participants will be of great help.
> I will also suggest that the first item of discussion in our next virtual
> meeting is outreach and sponsorship.
> Thank you all and looking forward to your feedback. And special thanks to
> Lianna, Naser and Loreta for their help with the session descriptions.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
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