[Icann-see] New members

Dusan Stojicevic dusan at dukes.in.rs
Mon Jun 15 14:20:47 CEST 2015

Dear all,

 From Bosnia, we have few more members:
Belma Kučukalič belma at oneworldplatform.net 
<mailto:belma at oneworldplatform.net>
Valentina Pellizzer valentina at oneworldplatform.net 
<mailto:valentina at oneworldplatform.net>
Snežana Jondža snezana.jondza at novageneracija.org 
<mailto:snezana.jondza at novageneracija.org>
Zoran Ivančić zoran.ivancic at cpi.ba <mailto:zoran.ivancic at cpi.ba>
Aleksandar Mastilović mastilovic at gmail.com <mailto:mastilovic at gmail.com>

Thanx Aida, and I wish to welcome our friends from SEEDIG meeting in Sofia.


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