[Icann-see] Fwd: Pre-Eurodig 2015 event in Moldova highlights human rights for internet users and the need for National IGF

Oksana Prykhodko sana.pryhod at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 14:48:29 CEST 2015

Dear Veronica!

First of all - our warmest congratulations with your newborn princess!

Health and peace, love and happiness to all your wonderful family!

It is unbelivable, that you can find time for your great activity on IG

Hugs and kisses from Sofia - we miss you!

On Jun 5, 2015 12:50 PM, "Veronica Cretu" <veronica at cretu.md> wrote:

> Dear colleagues, warm greetings from Moldova!
>> I have been closely following the discussions on the list throughout the
>> past months, unfortunately could not commit for an active engagement, due
>> to personal matters.
>> However, on behalf of Council of Europe, I managed to organize a
>> Pre-EuroDIG 2015 event in Chisinau last week, which brought together
>> representatives of public sector, civil society, international
>> organizations.
>> We looked into a number of issues which are going to be addressed @
>> EuroDIG Sofia, as well as anchored some of the discussions in local related
>> issues, such as - ways to implement the Guide on Human Rights for Internet
>> Users of CoE in Moldova and
>> - modalities for launching a National IGF platform - why it is taking so
>> long for Moldova to have its own discussion platform around IG and what
>> could be done!
>> Attached, I am sharing a report based on the discussions from last week!
>> Otherwise, wishing you all best of luck with SEE and EuroDIG and fingers
>> crossed that some more energy and dynamism around IG issues will be
>> generated afterwards in our region.
>> With very best,
>> Veronica
>> --
>> *Veronica Cretu *
>> *MA in Contemporary Diplomacy*
>> *President, Open Government Institute**Republic of Moldova
>> - http://opengov.si.md/ <http://opengov.si.md/>*
>> *Member of the Steering Committee, *
>> *Open Government Partnership (OGP);*
>> *http://www.opengovpartnership.org/about/steering-committee/role-and-current-membership
>> <http://www.opengovpartnership.org/about/steering-committee/role-and-current-membership>*
>> *Email: veronicacretu at gmail.com <veronicacretu at gmail.com> and/or
>> veronica at cretu.md <veronica at cretu.md>*
>> *Skype: veronicacretu Phone: 373 067435000*
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