[Icann-see] Redirect: Re: Future of SEEDIG: call for comments (DL: 12 July)

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro
Fri Jul 31 09:27:04 CEST 2015

Dear all,

Just forwarding the email below, which was intended to be sent to the mailing list.

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Oksana Prykhodko <sana.pryhod at gmail.com<mailto:sana.pryhod at gmail.com>>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Question re your comments on the future of SEEDIG
To: Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro<mailto:sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>>
Cc: "See at intgovforum.org<mailto:See at intgovforum.org>" <See at intgovforum.org<mailto:See at intgovforum.org>>

Dear Sorina, dear all,

Sorry for my delay with comments.

Yes, I did support Sandra's point of view, and I would like to explain my position.

SEEDIG in Sofia had great success. Sorina's role is extremely important, and, I hope, Sorina (as well as Liana and Dusan) will remain the main engine of SEEDIG in any case - in Brussels or in Serbia))))

But there was also fantastic synergy with the host (thousands of thanks to Iliya) and EuroDIG Secretariat (Sandra, your support is extremely important!)

If we can find any local stakeholders in Serbia (did we receive any comments from Vlada, for example?) or in other local country, I think it would be great to organize SEEDIG 2016 in the region. That is why I think we have to start from evaluating our needs and resources. From one side Serbia (or any other Eastern European country) is of course cheaper than Brussels.  But it's not for free( Do we have any answers from our potential sponsors/partners?

BTW, from the point of view of participants I also do not see a lot of possibilities to save money. Many of SEEDIG participants will in any case participate in EuroDIG. It means that they will have to pay twice(  That is why I think it would be good idea to link SEEDIG (if we will decide to do it not in Brussels) to any other local event (RIPE etc.). That is why we again can not make any decision without confirmation of partnership from them(((((

Regarding local priorities I have also some doubts: do we have enough critical mass to organize fruitful discussion of our internal problems without international institutions? What can be our purpose for this discussion? Do we need ICANN, ISOC, EU, CoE and others to involve in these discussions? If yes, are we sure that they will come to Serbia?

So, in case of not having confirmed host/sponsors/partners, who can provide the most critical resources for SEEDIG I support SEEDIG in Brussels. I agree with Sandra that it is extremely important to involve local stakeholders into SEEDIG process and financing. I just have some doubts that we can do it  just now(

Best regards,

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro<mailto:sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>> wrote:
Dear Oksana,

As I am working on compiling and summarising all input received in response to the call for comments on the future of SEEDIG, I am writing to kindly ask you a question. In your email below, you expressed support for SEEDIG 2016 to be held in conjunction with EuroDIG, but I remember that, during the virtual meeting held last week, you supported Sandra's comments about the value of having SEEDIG as a stand-alone event, in the region. I am therefore not sure whether you would like to keep your comments in the email below or not.

At the virtual meeting, we discussed that those who have a change of mind before the deadline for comments are welcome to express their new views on the mailing list. If this is the case for you and you wish to make any change to the comments expressed in your email below, could you please indicate this via the mailing list, by the 31 July deadline? If this is not the case and I have misunderstood you at the virtual meeting, please accept my apologies and disregard this email.

Thank you!

Best regards,


De la: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs<mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs> [icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs<mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs>] În numele Oksana Prykhodko [sana.pryhod at gmail.com<mailto:sana.pryhod at gmail.com>]
Trimis: 13 iulie 2015 00:07
Către: Anja Gengo
Cc: icann-see at rnids.rs<mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs>
Subiect: Re: [Icann-see] Future of SEEDIG: call for comments (DL: 12 July)

Dear Sorina, dear all,

I also would like to support Siranush point of view. SEEDIG 2016 (at least) would be easier to organize as EuroDIG pre-event in Brussels - both from financial and organizational reasons. And it would be great to organize cooperation of Steering Committees of SEEDIG and EuroDIG in the way, which allows to avoid duplication of issues to discuss, but instead to discuss at EuroDIG results of the discussion at SEEDIG.

And one more proposition - to organize at each national  or sub-regional event panel/workshop/side-event, devoted to SEEDIG. It does not mean only to discuss  messages from SEEDIG. It means to find the most critical for this country issues and to link this national discussion to SEEDIG/EURODIG. The best way to do it is to invite some members of SEEDIG Steering Committee into national ones (for example, into IGF-UA Steering Committee).

BTW, there are some changes with the date of IGF-UA - so, sorry for the  delay with invitations.

Best regards,

On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Anja Gengo <anja.gengo at gmail.com<mailto:anja.gengo at gmail.com><mailto:anja.gengo at gmail.com<mailto:anja.gengo at gmail.com>>> wrote:
Dear all,

I completely agree with the last email from Siranush.
It is important to continue with SEEDIG since it's the only effective opportunity for the region to gather, brainstorm and act.
I think it is still early to talk about SEEDIG as a separate event which is why I should go with this idea of it being connected with EuroDIG for the next year- as a pre-event. Later we will see how the things will work, especially with funding and developing wider regional expert network.

Best to all,


On 12 July 2015 at 18:51, Siranush Vardanyan <siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com<mailto:siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com><mailto:siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com<mailto:siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com>>> wrote:
Hi all,

I will agree with the majority of thoughts that SEEDIG as a separate event should be connected with EuroDIG. This will make easier the participation, as at this point it would be challenging to do fundraising solely for SEEDIG, while EuroDIG to some extend has secure funding. At least for SEEDIG 2016. Later if SEEDIG becomes a strong and well spread entity/idea, the process may be otherwise. At the same time keeping SEEDIG close to region is of utmost importance.

My two cents


Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 17:31:58 +0200
From: icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk<mailto:icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk><mailto:icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk<mailto:icokaev at popovski-law-office.com.mk>>
To: icann-see at rnids.rs<mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs><mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs<mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs>>

Subject: Re: [Icann-see] Future of SEEDIG: call for comments (DL: 12 July)

Dear Sorina , members of the executive committee ,  dear all,

Let's give SEEDIG a chance !

Yes , the dilemma is legitimate and serious !

1. SEEDIG 2016 meeting be held again in conjunction with the EuroDIG meeting to be hosted in Brussels?   OR

2.  SEEDIG 2016  as a stand alone -  a pre event and  a  milestone for SEE IG processes to EuroDig ?

I agree with the majority and I vote for the option 2  - SEEDIG as a stand alone -  a pre event but as an integral part of the EuroDIG  process !

In my opinion , we shall take the advantage of  momentum  - the positive echo about the first SEEDIG in Sofia ,from Euro DIG itself ,  ICANN , IGF...   !

I know you are all aware but aloud me to remind you that the organization of the SEEDIG in Sofia in all aspects , was under heavy influence ( importance , attractiveness , institutional and financial support ) from EuroDig and the other processes and entities in the IG ecosystem !
Therefore I agree that Serbia is the best host for this pioneer attempt and only after SEEDIG in Serbia we will have enough input for deep and comprehensive SWOT analysis about how to proceed with the SEEDIG 2017 !

Please see Below - in red font , my TOL's ( thinking out loud  notes ) :)  ,   within the original email from Sorina !

Thanks again to Sorina and the exe. committee for their time and energy !

Best ,

Aleksandar Icokaev

On 06.07.2015 08:28, Sorina Teleanu wrote:

Dear all,

On behalf of the SEEDIG executive committee, I am writing to you with regards to the future of SEEDIG, and, more specifically, a potential SEEDIG 2016 meeting.

As you know, SEEDIG 2015 was organised in conjunction with the eighth EuroDIG, for several reasons. The most important ones were related to the fact that EuroDIG itself was held in the SEE region, and that we had an opportunity to create some connections between SEE Internet governance-related realities and the pan-European debates. The funds allocated from the EuroDIG budget (for logistics, catering, travel support, as detailed in our report), as well as the general support from EuroDIG Secretariat for a first SEEDIG meeting have been equally important.

I. Key questions
As there seems to be at least a majority of views that SEEDIG should continue (and not remain a one time event), we need to determine how this moving forward should/could actually happen.
The two main questions that we now need to ask ourselves are the following:

  1.  Should a SEEDIG 2016 meeting be held again in conjunction with the EuroDIG meeting to be hosted in Brussels? OR

  1.  Should a SEEDIG 2016 meeting be held in the SEE region, as a stand-alone event?

II. Issues to consider
However, determining how SEEDIG 2016 would look like is not just a matter of picking a location, as there are several important issues that need to be considered before making a decision:

  1.  participation (attendance at the meeting) and influencing factors (travel costs, travel funds, etc.);

  2.  financial resources /sponsors;

  3.  host for the meeting (including broad-based stakeholder conditions in the host country);

  4.  partners/supporters;

  5.  maintaining linkages between SEE and the wider Europe.

III. Possible approach
Drawing on several informal discussions held with some of you in the weeks following SEEDIG (including the ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires), one possible approach for SEEDIG 2016 could be to:

  *   keep the SEEDIG and EuroDIG preparatory processes together, but have the SEEDIG meeting organised somewhere in the region, at a time that precedes the EuroDIG meeting.   MIN TWO MONTHS !

III.1. Implications
In practical terms, the approach above would mean that:

  1.  The call for proposals for topics for SEEDIG and EuroDIG 2016 are launched at the same time (October until December 2015), as part of a single process.

  2.  SEEDIG is represented at the EuroDIG preparatory meeting. A preparatory meeting for SEEDIG is also intended to be held in the host country (for the purpose of checking the logistics and related issues).  - THE PREPARATORY MEETING FOR SEEDIG SHOULD PRECEDE THE PREPAATORY MEETING FOR EURODIG !

  3.  SEEDIG-related content continues to be hosted on the EuroDIG website and wiki.

  4.  SEEDIG takes place in a country within SEE and the neighbouring area, some time before the EuroDIG meeting, and becomes an integrated milestone in the EuroDIG preparatory process. Results should feed directly into the EuroDIG session planning process and become an inclusive part of the EuroDIG programme. SEEDIG could actually be the place to prepare, inter alia, a SEE-focused session at EuroDIG.

III.2. Advantages
Such an approach would have several advantages, among which:

  1.  SEEDIG, as a meeting, remains in the region. This would respond to the concerns raised by some of you with regards to both the difficulty for most stakeholders in SEE to attend an event outside the region, as well as to a potentially limited relevance of having a SEE event held in Western Europe. And it could/should encourage significant participation from within the region, given that the travel costs involved are expected to be self-manageable by many potential participants.  WHAT ABOUT THE ACCOMODATION ? IF SELF FUNDED , THE EVENT MUST BE SQUIZED IN ONE DAY !

  2.  SEEDIG and EuroDIG remain interlinked, thus responding to the need to ensure that the voices of SEE stakeholders go beyond the SEE region and that the pan-European debates on Internet governance are also considering SEE concerns.

  3.  SEEDIG continues to benefit from support from EuroDIG (in terms of preparatory process, hosting content and funding for some SEE attendees to participate in the EuroDIG meeting), and, possibly, its partners, thus gaining more recognition within the Internet governance ecosystem.

III.3. Challenges
There are, of course, a number of challenges that would need to be dealt with, in the case of this approach being taken forward:

  1.  Financial resources. SEEDIG will need to have its own budget, and, thus engage in fund raising activities, including within the region. Additionally, legal issues will have to be considered, such as: setting up a bank account, responsibility and liability in terms of managing contracts, invoices, reporting on the finances (i.e. what entity would do this?), etc.

  2.  Keeping the SEEDIG 2015 supporters as partners. We would need to finding a way to enhance such partnerships, as they would demonstrate that SEEDIG is backed by others and does not try to isolate itself from other entities and processes in the Internet governance ecosystem. Having this kind of institutional support would also help us when approaching possible sponsors. RELATED TO 3.1 AND 3.2 -  CAN WE COUNT ON FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM Euro Dig , ICANN , IGF , ISOC ?

  3.  Ensuring that the linkages with EuroDIG mean more than just having SEEDIG messages presented at EuroDIG. Finding a way to bring a significant number of SEE participants to EuroDIG (in addition to them participating in SEEDIG) and to actively involve them in the EuroDIG process and meeting is an important aspect to consider. (More travel and time resources will be needed.) - IN THIS CASE I THINK THAT SPONSORS ( if any from the business )  WOULD LIKE TO SEE THAT THAY ARE NOT SUPPORTING ONLY REGIONAL EVENT ! SHOULD  WE OFFER THEM THE POSIBILITY TO SEND HEIR EMPLOYEES TO PARTICIPATE TO SEEDIG AND EURODIG IN ADDITION TO THEIR SPONSORING  OF THE EVENT IT SELF?

  4.  Identifying a host. During the discussions in Buenos Aires, Serbia/Belgrade was mentioned as a possible location, given that the country has a working multistakeholder Internet governance model in place and this can be useful as an example for participants in SEEDIG. In addition, another argument invoked for having the next SEEDIG meeting in Serbia was related to the experience the various entities in the country have in organising/hosting Internet governance events (EuroDIG 2011, DIDS, etc.).

  5.  Human resources to run the preparatory process. Organising SEEDIG as a stand-alone event would require more efforts, both in terms of logistics and programme. The organising group would, therefore, need to be reinforced, and more volunteers would have to be involved in the process. AGREE , WE SHOULD START SPREADING THE WORD RIGHT AFTER THE FINAL DECISION IS MADE !

IV. Call for comments
Given all of the above, you are all kindly invited to provide your input with regards to the future of SEEDIG, in the form of comments, suggestions, support for or disagreement with the aforementioned possible approach, etc., until Sunday, 12 July 2015. Please send your input to this mailing list and to see at intgovforum.org<mailto:see at intgovforum.org><mailto:see at intgovforum.org<mailto:see at intgovforum.org>>.

All input will be compiled by the executive committee, shared with the list, and further discussed at a virtual meeting, to be held after the above-mentioned deadline (details to be communicated later). It is expected that a final decision  regarding the approach for a SEEDIG 2016 meeting (questions at point I.A and B above) will be taken at this virtual meeting. Once this decision is made, further discussions will be held with regards to the preparatory process for SEEDIG 2016.

Thank you and we are looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)


Sorina Teleanu
Parliamentary assistant
Chamber of Deputies
Parliament of Romania
2-4 Izvor Street, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: +40 21 414 1842<tel:%2B40%2021%20414%201842><tel:%2B40%2021%20414%201842>

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Anja Gengo

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