[Icann-see] Răsp.: Notes of ICANN SEE meeting at ICANN52
Oksana Prykhodko
sana.pryhod at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 16:40:53 CET 2015
Dear all,
It was a pleasure to hear you in Kiev from Singapore - sorry for not being
able to participate more actively!
I fully support all your propositions and priority topics and would like to
add some more suggestions and comments.
1. We can organize some pre-event on national level. For example, in
Ukraine we will organize (for the fourth time) EuroDIG presentation in
Ukrainian Parliament. We just discussed this issue with Loreta Vioiu from
CoE (she is on this list) and Roman Chlapak (from CoE office in Kiev - I
would like to propose to add him to this list). I hope we can do it in
April, with invitation of some foreign participants. We agreed
participation of Janice Richardson from InSafe in this event, some other
experts also showed their interest to come (Narine Khachatryan, for
example), and we kindly invite all interested to come to Kiev or to join us
For this presentation we will prepare translation of Messages from Berlin
and all additional information regarding EuroDIG in Sofia. We would be
happy to provide all available information on SEE round table as well.
I hope CoE will help us (as they did at Istambul) to organize Ukrainian
"delegation" to Sofia and remote hub in Kiev.
2. I think that we have to concentrate all our efforts on capacity building
and exchange of the best practices. It is great to see IG Calendar on
EuroDIG web-site. Can I propose to Sandra to create the space for sharing
useful links on infomaterials in English and in other languages?
3. On February 10 we had really multistakeholder round table, devoted to
Safer Internet Day. Google Ukraine, Microsoft Ukraine, Hostmaster and other
IT Ukrainian companies showed their interest into implementation of MSH. I
hope they also will try to sponsor EuroDIG in Sofia.
4. The last but not least. What about participation of OSCE in EuroDIG?
Hoping to see you soon,
Best regards,
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>
> Dear all,
> I would also like to thank Jean-Jacques for the summary of the discussions
> in Singapore and to everyone there for doing outreach about our SEE event.
> Regarding Aida's question: after the meeting in Sofia, we sent to the list
> a summary with the issues we discussed there (which also included some
> proposals for topics to be discussed during the SEE event) and we have
> invited everyone to provide input on those various issues. The deadline for
> such input was, indeed, set for 15 Febr. But, Aida and everyone else, you
> still have time to provide your comments. I am attaching again the summary
> and the actual call for input, for ease of reference.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> ________________________________
> De la: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs [icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs] În numele
> Aida Mahmutović [aidamahmutovic.ba at gmail.com]
> Trimis: 13 februarie 2015 21:36
> Către: Wolf Ludwig
> Cc: icann-see at rnids.rs
> Subiect: Re: [Icann-see] Notes of ICANN SEE meeting at ICANN52
> Dear Jean-Jacques,
> thank you for your email, and valuable updates for us who were not able to
> be in Singapore.
> It seems that it was very productive meeting. Happy to hear/read it.
> I was only wondering will we be on time to submit “...proposals for panels
> / workshops for the SEE Roundtable to be submitted by mid-February”
> considering date we are in already.
> also, thank you @Desiree for updates from Serbia - we are close.
> I will update you soon about events in BiH.
> kind regards to all from snowy Sarajevo,
> Aida
> On 12 Feb 2015, at 10:05, Wolf Ludwig <wolf.ludwig at comunica-ch.net<mailto:
> wolf.ludwig at comunica-ch.net>> wrote:
> Thanks Des for this hint to the 4th RIPE NCC Regional SEE meeting in April
> in Belgrade. I think this is another good opportunity for EuroDIG outreach
> to the tech community.
> Best, Wolf
> Desiree Miloshevic wrote Thu, 12 Feb 2015 08:25:
> Hi Jean Jacques
> Thank you for the update. Sorry I had a conflict with another session.
> I'd like to let everyone know that there is a 4th RIPE NCC Regional SEE
> meeting taking place in Belgrade on April 21-22.
> https://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/regional-meetings/see-4
> For those on the list and in the region - you may want to distribute to
> your respective communities especially the technical internet community.
> There is still a chance to suggest a topic or a lightening talk.
> Desiree
> --
> On 12 Feb 2015, at 06:18, Jean-Jacques Sahel <jean-jacques.sahel at icann.org>
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We met during the ICANN52 meeting in Singapore on 10 February 2016, and
> you will find notes below. Key actions:
> Action – Jean-Jacques to liaise with Thomas Schneider and Tarek Kamel on
> involving GAC representatives / governments from the region
> Action – all encouraged to approach the European commission to ask them
> for help for travel funding
> Action – proposals for panels / workshops for the SEE Roundtable to be
> submitted by mid-February.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Jacques
> 1. RNIDS conference, Belgrade, 10-11 March 2015
> Originally only for local cc registries, now wider, this event could
> attract up to 200 attendees from across stakeholder groups. ICANN Board
> member Mike Silber and VP Europe Jean-Jacques Sahel will be speaking at the
> event, including on IANA
> 2. Meetings before Eurodig during ‘Bulgarian Internet Week’, 1-5 June
> Local industry is planning meetings in Ruse (40 people) and Verna (100
> people). This will be mainly about the domain name business, and technical
> issues, but also internet Governance more widely.
> Local community is thinking of calling the first week of June the
> ‘Bulgarian internet Week’.
> 3. Other regional events
> There will be a workshop on 23 February in Bucharest, organised by NGO
> Apti, about the Multi-stakeholder model, to explain it to local community.
> 4. SEE Roundtable, Sofia, 3 June
> Proposals for the SEE roundtable should be sent by mid February, Go to
> eurodig.org for details and/or liaise with others in the ICANN SEE
> mailing list.
> Sandra raised the issue of travel funding – we currently expect 50 people,
> to be funded by the Council of Europe and ICANN’s CROPP programme, but not
> enough
> It will be important to invite and involve especially government
> representatives to ICANN’s GAC from the region. This has been discussed
> already with GAC chair Thomas Schneider and ICANN’s Senior Adviser for
> Government Engagement Tarek Kamel.
> Action – Jean-Jacques to liaise with Thomas Schneider and Tarek Kamel on
> involving GAC representatives / governments from the region
> Action – all encouraged to approach the European commission to ask them
> for help for travel funding
> Action – proposals for panels / workshops for the SEE Roundtable to be
> submitted by mid-February.
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