[Icann-see] Special Eurobarometer 423
Aida Mahmutović
aidamahmutovic.ba at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 11:30:14 CET 2015
Dear Nebojša,
thank you (hvala) for forwarding the report.
kind regards to all,
> On 11 Feb 2015, at 09:44, Nebojsa Regoje <nebojsa.regoje at mvp.gov.ba> wrote:
> Dear all!
> I know that many will get this report from other sources, but for the others I sent CYBER SECURITY REPORT and SUMMARY requested by the European Commission.
> Feel free to distribute it to your contacts!
> Wish you all of the best!
> Nebojša Regoje
> From: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs> [mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs>] On Behalf Of sandra at eurodig.org <mailto:sandra at eurodig.org>
> Sent: 10. februar 2015 4:35
> To: 'Plamena Popova'; 'Sorina Teleanu'; icann-see at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs>
> Subject: Re: [Icann-see] Summary of the SEE event second planning meeting + call for input (DL: 15 Febr)
> Dear Plamena, for EuroDIG we have produced the donors hand out:http://www.eurodig.org/about/donations/ <http://www.eurodig.org/about/donations/> . This shows all opportunities for visibility. Apart from that we can work out additional possibilities and conditions to support the SEE round table with in kind contribution, finances or travel funds. This we should coordinate with Sorina and the Bulgarian host. I think the best would be that you share your ideas and then we look for flexible solutions.
> Best Sandra
> <>
> Von: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs> [mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs>] Im Auftrag von Plamena Popova
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 8. Februar 2015 19:09
> An: Sorina Teleanu; icann-see at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs>
> Betreff: Re: [Icann-see] Summary of the SEE event second planning meeting + call for input (DL: 15 Febr)
> Hi Sorina and all,
> Thanks for the summary (I have attended only part of the meeting in Sofia so having the whole picture is really helpful).
> Let me add a few remarks/questions on the SEE event:
> On Topics: I agree with the mentioned (by Wolf? if I recall correctly) during the Sofia meeting that one of the accents among discussed topics should be given to Cyrillic IDN (both ccTLD/gTLD). I think that the issue gives plenty of room for discussions/ideas for development.
> On Sponsors: I do have ideas for eventual sponsors of the event. However, I will appreciate some clarifications on the conditions for the sponsorship. For example - how the sponsor shall be "shown"/ mentioned on the event? meaning - some notice on the website? EuroDIG' website? I need some clarification in this regard prior to contact the potential donors.
> On Social event: I was thinking that a possible place of such social event could be Bulgarian National Library. It seems appropriate as it is placed in the center of Sofia, could host such an event (as Library University we could cooperate with eventual arrangements) and is also thematic(from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Cyrillic IDNs and the future :) What do you think?
> All the best,
> Plamena
> 2015-01-27 14:33 GMT+02:00 Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro <mailto:sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>>:
> Dear all,
> As you know, a second planning meeting for the pre-EuroDIG SEE event took place yesterday, in Sofia. Twelve people participated in this meeting.
> We continued discussions on topics and format of the sessions, messages from the event, outreach and logistics.
> Attached is a summary of our discussions, together with a call for input inviting all of you to contribute your views/indicate your agreement or disagreement with the proposals resulting from our discussions.
> The deadline for input is 15 February. After that, we will organize a second virtual meeting to start framing the sessions (working titles, participants, moderators, rapporteurs, remote moderators, etc) and provide updates and continue discussions on logistics and outreach.
> Thank you and looking forward to your feedback.
> Best regards,
> Sorina
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