[Icann-see] Results of the discussions on the approach for SEEDIG 2016. Next: endorsement of the executive committee

Oksana Prykhodko sana.pryhod at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 11:08:31 CEST 2015

Dear Sorina, dear all,

Thank you very much for excellent (as always) summary of the discussion and
discussion itself and sorry for the delay with my comments.

Please find them below.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:14 PM, Sorina Teleanu <sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro>

> Dear all,
> First, I would like to thank those who attended the virtual meeting
> earlier today. A summary of the discussions held at the meeting is attached
> to this email.
> As announced before, the aim of this meeting was to finalise the
> discussion on the approach for SEEDIG 2016. Therefore, considering the long
> public comment period, the comments submitted and the fact that the
> majority of comments were in favour of SEEDIG as a stand-alone event, the
> discussions held in Sofia, in Buenos Aires and at the two virtual meetings,
> and the lack of any formal objection with regards to the approach proposed
> in my email dated 5 August, we would like to announce a closure of this
> debate, with the following result:
> SEEDIG 2016 will be organised as a stand-alone event, in the SEE region,
> and will be strongly connected with the EuroDIG process. The SEEDIG 2016
> meeting will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, and will be hosted by the Serbian
> National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS). With regards to the timing of
> the meeting, the dates explored are around middle/end April 2016 (around
> the dates of the RIPE SEE meeting scheduled for 19-20 April, in Tirana,
> Albania - as this could encourage RIPE attendees to also travel to Belgrade
> for SEEDIG).

It's great news that RNIDS is ready to host SEEDIG 2016, especially in
conjunction with RIPE SEE meeting! But what about RIPE and the host of
Tirana meeting involvement? Is there anybody from RIPE or RASH in this
e-mail list?

> With this discussion now finalised, we need to move forward and actually
> start the SEEDIG 2016 preparatory process. Some of the things we would need
> to work on, and that have also been raised both before and during the call
> today, include: confirming the dates for the meeting; building a work plan
> with action points and timelines for the various steps of the preparatory
> process (the call for proposals for the programme, a preparatory meeting,
> etc.); deciding on how the administrative and financial issues will be
> handled; deciding on the duration of the SEEDIG 2016 meeting and on the
> most suitable approach for how to build the programme; building an
> estimative budget and attracting sponsors; consolidating or building
> partnerships with various entities; defining modalities for implementing
> the linkages between SEEDIG and EuroDIG; drafting and agreeing upon a set
> of SEEDIG operating principles to guide the SEEDIG process, etc.
> But there is one more thing we need to agree upon before starting this
> work: the coordination of the preparatory process.
> As you know, the preparatory process for SEEDIG 2015, as well as well the
> activities following the Sofia meeting, have been coordinated by an
> executive committee composed of: Iliya Bazlyankov, UNICART, Bulgaria
> (private sector); Lianna Galstyan, ISOC Armenia (civil society); Aida
> Mahmutović, Oneworld - Platform for Southeast Europe Foundation, Bosnia and
> Herzegovina (civil society); Dušan Stojičević, RNIDS, Serbia (technical
> community); Sorina Teleanu, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania
> (government). This committee has been created through an open and
> transparent process, at the end of 2014 (you can refer to the archive of
> the mailing list for further details).

All five members of the executive committee are willing and ready to
> continue to act in this capacity for the SEEDIG 2016 cycle, subject to
> approval from this community. Therefore, we would like to kindly ask for
> your endorsement in this regard. Your comments on the proposal for the
> current executive committee to continue to coordinate the preparatory
> process for SEEDIG 2016 are welcome via this mailing list until Thursday,
> 20 August 2016. As before, the absence of any formal objection will be
> considered as general agreement with the proposal.

I already did my best compliment to Sorina, Lianna, Iliya and Dusan. I am
extremely sorry for not mentioning Aida - I met her only in Belgrade, and
that is why I could not associate her with her excellent work - sorry again
and again(

I think we have dream team for SEEDIG, I would like to say once more
thousand of thanks to all of them for their fantastic volunteer work, and
endorse them for the next year! From my side, I am ready to help them in
any possible way  (first of all, by translating SEEDIG messages into
Russian/Ukrainian and by delivering them to IGF-UA (30 September) and Forum
"Media for information society" (probably 1 October).

> Thank you and we are looking forward to hearing from you!
> Best regards,
> Sorina
> (on behalf of the executive committee)

Best regards,

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