[Icann-see] Future of SEEDIG: virtual meeting, 13 August, 10.00 am CET

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro
Tue Aug 11 07:39:17 CEST 2015

Dear all,

This is to kindly invite you to the second virtual meeting on the future of SEEDIG, scheduled for Thursday, 13 August, at 10.00 am CET. The aim of this meeting is to discuss the input submitted in response to the call for comments, as well as the proposed approach (please see my email below for details), and to make a final decision regarding SEEDIG 2016.

As before, the meeting will be held via Webex and registration is required in advance. To register, please follow the link available below.

I would also like to use this opportunity to remind you that the deadline for expressing further views with regards to the approach proposed for SEEDIG 2016 is tomorrow, 12 August.

Thank you and hope to (e)see you at the virtual meeting.

Best regards,


Future of SEEDIG - making a decision
Thursday, August 13, 2015
10:00 am  |  Europe Summer Time (Brussels, GMT+02:00)  |  1 hr

After your request has been approved, you'll receive instructions for joining the meeting.

Can't register? Contact support.<https://intgovforum.webex.com/intgovforum/mc>

De la: Sorina Teleanu
Trimis: 5 august 2015 09:11
Către: icann-see at rnids.rs
Cc: see at intgovforum.org
Subiect: Future of SEEDIG: compilation of comments and next steps

Dear all,

As the deadline for the call for comments on the future of SEEDIG has passed (31 July), we would like to thank all those who have responded to the call and shared their views on how they saw SEEDIG moving forward.

1. Brief summary of input

Sixteen (16) members of this mailing list provided their comments with regards to whether SEEDIG 2016 should be held in conjunction with EuroDIG 2016, in Brussels, or whether it should be organised as a stand-alone event, in the SEE region. A compilation of these comments, together with a brief summary of the main issues raised, has been prepared and is attached to this email.

Generally speaking, large support has been expressed for SEEDIG to continue as a sub-regional IGF initiative, as well as for continuing to have strong connections between SEEDIG and EuroDIG.

Regarding the options for a SEEDIG 2016 meeting, a statistical overview of the submitted comments shows the following:
• Number of members expressing support for a stand-alone SEEDIG 2016, held in the SEE region: 10
• Number of members expressing support for a SEEDIG 2016 meeting held in conjunction with EuroDIG 2016, in Brussels: 5
• Number of members expressing support for both options for SEEDIG 2016, depending on some circumstances: 1

2. Proposal

The executive committee has reviewed the submitted comments and has carefully considered the following aspects:  the substance of these comments (arguments, concerns, suggestions, etc.); the statistical data mentioned above; the discussions held at the 21 July virtual meeting; the views and support expressed by the EuroDIG Secretariat; and, given the diversity of views expressed, the need to move forward with a proposal that is consistent, at a minimum, with a majority of these views.

Based on these considerations, we would like to propose the following approach with regards to SEEDIG 2016:
• organise the SEEDIG 2016 meeting as a stand-alone event, in the SEE region, at a time that precedes the EuroDIG 2016 meeting, and
• keep SEEDIG strongly connected with EuroDIG, through, inter alia:
o having the call for proposals for topics for SEEDIG and EuroDIG 2016 as part of a single process (between October and December 2015);
o continuing to host SEEDIG-related content on the EuroDIG website and wiki;
o having SEEDIG as an integrated milestone in the EuroDIG preparatory process. Results should feed directly into the EuroDIG session planning process and become an inclusive part of the EuroDIG programme. SEEDIG could be the place to prepare, inter alia, a SEE-focused session at EuroDIG.

With regards to the location for SEEDIG 2016, Belgrade, Serbia had been previously mentioned as a possibility and this has received support via the mailing list. Therefore, our proposal is to move forward with this option, and further discuss it at the next virtual meeting, as well as with the possible local host (RNIDS - the .rs registry).

As noted at the previous virtual meeting, organising SEEDIG in the region, as a stand-alone event, but very well connected with EuroDIG, has the potential of giving more value and credibility to this initiative, thus attracting more attention and having a stronger impact within the region. We are aware that a number of concerns related to this approach have been raised by some of you (on partners, sponsors, participation, etc.). While we acknowledge the validity of these concerns, we are confident that we can work together (the SEE community, as well as other regional and international supporters), one step at a time, on addressing such challenges.

3. Making a final decision

As announced before, we plan to hold a second virtual meeting, in order to discuss the submitted comments and the proposed approach, and to make a final decision regarding SEEDIG 2016. This meeting is tentatively scheduled to take place on Thursday, 13 August, at a time that will be communicated later.

Meanwhile, you are all kindly invited to express your further views with regards to the approach proposed above, by Wednesday, 12 August. Consistent with previous practice, we hope to be able to make the final decision on SEEDIG 2016 based on consensus*. Therefore, the absence of any formal objection (raised via the mailing list between now and the indicated deadline) will be considered as general agreement with the proposed approach. Should reaching consensus not be possible, and as soon as a formal objection is raised, we will ask all of you to clearly indicate your agreement or disagreement with the proposed approach, and a decision will be made based on the simple majority (50%+1) of all preferences expressed.

Thank you!

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)

*Please note that consensus that does mean unanimity. “Giving consent does not necessarily mean that the proposal being considered is one’s first choice. Group members can vote their consent to a proposal because they choose to cooperate with the direction of the group, rather than insist on their personal preference. Sometimes the vote on a proposal is framed, “Is this proposal something you can live with?” This relaxed threshold for a yes vote can achieve full consent. This full consent, however, does not mean that everyone is in full agreement.” (Wikipedia)

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