[Icann-see] SEEDIG: volunteers for session rapporteurs and next virtual meeting

Sorina Teleanu sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro
Wed Apr 29 17:32:58 CEST 2015

Dear all,

I am writing to you on two SEEDIG related issues:

1. Session rapporteurs
As you know, all SEEDIG sessions need to have a rapporteur. You are therefore kindly invited to volunteer for this role for any of the four sessions. Your support in this regard will be much appreciated.

Details about the four sessions are available at: http://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/South_Eastern_European_Dialogue_(SEEDIG)

And here is a reminder of what is expected from a rapporteur: "Each session would have a rapporteur who will be responsible for taking notes during the session and preparing, in an objective manner, 3-5 bullet points representing the key messages resulting from the debates. The rapporteur would present these bullet points at the end of the session, asking for agreement or disagreement (NOT a debate, just a “yes” or a “no”) from the audience. Those bullet points accepted by the audience will make it into the more elaborated summaries/reports. These summaries/reports would then be presented in the concluding session of the event and compiled into a document to be conveyed to the EuroDIG and the IGF."

3. Virtual meeting
As we are getting closer to the event and there are still several issues to be discussed (updates on the programme, participation, etc), we would like to invite you to a fourth virtual meeting, next week. A doodle poll has been set up, so please indicate your prefered dates and time slots.

Thank you!

Best regards,

(on behalf of the executive committee)

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