[Icann-see] EuroDIG call for proposals now open until 31 Dec. 2015

Aida aidamahmutovic.ba at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 00:45:40 CET 2014

Dear Sandra,
Thank you for your email, otherwise I would miss point No. 4. This just got serious note in the whole SEE round table initiative. :)
I will share it in our platform www.oneworldsee.org for the visability in BiH and few regional countries - for interested parties.

Kind regards,

Sent from my iPad

On 13.11.2014., at 22:52, <sandra at eurodig.org> wrote:

> *We apologise for cross posting*
> If you haven’t received the last EuroDIG info letter please subscribe to our mailing list and visit the new EuroDIG website
> <image001.jpg>                                                                                     
>                                                                                                             Information letter No. 7/14
> 1.     Call for proposals now open
> With some delay the call for proposals is now open and is a core element of EuroDIG’s inclusiveness and bottom-up process. Everybody is invited to submit proposals on topics and issues to contribute to EuroDIG’s 2015 agenda setting  until 31st of December this year. Please use the online submission form available at www.eurodig.org.
> The EuroDIG core team is always seeking to improve and simplify participation at EuroDIG. After evaluating our previous events, the clustering of themes in our previous compilation of proposals has always been a challenge.
> The core team decided to try a slightly different approach for this year: In addition to freely propose any topic that you would like to see discussed, you can also propose a topic that might fit in one of the key topics we propose to you. We hope that this new approach might facilitate the task of the programme team to better structure the incoming proposals into a programme schedule.
> Suggested key topics:
> 1.    Accessibility (Equality / Digital divide)
> 2.    Internationalised Domain Names
> 3.    Human Rights
> 4.    Security
> 5.    Innovation and economy development
> 6.    Other
> According to discussions in the core team, these key topics may reflect some of the specific challenges and areas of interest to stakeholders also in South-Eastern European countries.
> 2.     New website
> We start the 2015 EuroDIG process with a new website. Our aim is to provide clear guidance through the EuroDIG participation process and allow everybody to get involved at any time. The website is work in progress. We are still working on some modules and this process will be finalised by the end of the year. Let us know how you like it!
> 3.     Save the date –Public planning meeting on 27 January 2015 in Sofia
> It is a tradition that the broader European community meets the local community of the host country at the beginning of each year, agrees on the overarching theme and set the scene for the EuroDIG programme of the upcoming year. You can participate personally or remotely.
> Precise meeting details and agenda will be published timely on the website.
> 4.     South Eastern European round table
> We would like to take the next EuroDIG in Bulgaria as an opportunity to better involve participants from South Eastern European countries and are planning a roundtable discussion the day before EuroDIG on 3 June 2015. Please fix the date in your calendar and let us know whether you like to contribute to this event. Of course, such a round table needs a significant number of stakeholders from these regions and we are trying hard to raise travel funds. Please contact the EuroDIG secretariat if you see opportunities to raise travel funds.
> Thanks for your ideas and precious contributions!
> The EuroDIG team
>             Unsubscribe from the news letter here
> European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)
> office at eurodig.org
> www.eurodig.org
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