[Icann-see] news form the host team in Sofia
Jean-Jacques Sahel
jean-jacques.sahel at icann.org
Mon Dec 15 12:04:30 CET 2014
Hi all,
I agree – we’re glad and proud to have a very active ICANN SEE group, thanks to which the community has become very active and collaborative, which is great.
But this should be bigger than ICANN – we’re happy supporters of this South Eastern Europe roundtable, which should go beyond just ICANN matters to reflect the wider IG agenda relevant to the SEE region.
Thanks again all for all your enthusiasm – it’s great to see!
From: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs [mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs] On Behalf Of sandra at eurodig.org
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 10:47 AM
To: 'Ekaterina Dureva'; icann-see at rnids.rs
Subject: Re: [Icann-see] news form the host team in Sofia
Hi Katya,
thank you for volunteering and taking action already! I am sure this first version of a SEE round table will be a success and will hopefully be the start of a tradition thereafter.
One small note: this initiative comes originally from the IGF for a and will take place in an IGF environment. Although ICANN is an important partner here we cannot limit it to purely ICANN topics. We must remain open to topics such as human rights, copy rights and media literacy as well.
Another aspect is, if we want to receive funds from other sources, it cannot be named ICANN-SEE round table. Let’s stick to South Eastern European Round table for this pilot.
Best Sandra
Von: icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs <mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs> [mailto:icann-see-bounces at rnids.rs] Im Auftrag von Ekaterina Dureva
Gesendet: Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 11:36
An: <mailto:icann-see at rnids.rs> icann-see at rnids.rs
Betreff: [Icann-see] news form the host team in Sofia
Hello everyone,
my name is Ekaterina Dureva and I am responsible for the host team coordination of EuroDIG 2015 <http://www.eurodig.org/about/team/> . So, I can take also the same part in the organization of ICANN-SEE.
Let me notice that I already have booked a 100 people hall for ICANN-SEE in Kempinski Hotel Zografski (the same place as for EuroDIG 2015) for 3rd of June 2015. Of course, related to this part of the organization, we need to discuss hall arrangement, technical equipment, webcast, catering and so on. There is enough time for this.
I agree, that it is important to have an organizational meeting around 27th of January and you can rely on me to do my best here in Sofia. In order to book a hall for this meeting, I need to know, the most important, the number of the people that can join.
@Dusan, can you please add Tetiana Ivanova <http://www.eurodig.org/about/team/shortbio-tetiana-ivanova/> to follow this conversations relating to ICANN-SEE as she is also part of the organization of EuroDIG, she can help with organizational part in Bulgaria. Thank you!
Ekaterina Dureva
Sofia, Bulgaria
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