[Icann-see] news form the host team in Sofia

Ekaterina Dureva ekaterina.dureva at unicart.bg
Mon Dec 15 11:36:02 CET 2014

Hello everyone,

my name is Ekaterina Dureva and I am responsible for the host team
coordination of EuroDIG 2015 <http://www.eurodig.org/about/team/>. So, I
can take also the same part in the organization of ICANN-SEE.

Let me notice that I already have booked a 100 people hall for ICANN-SEE in
Kempinski Hotel Zografski (the same place as for EuroDIG 2015) for 3rd of
June 2015. Of course,  related to this part of the organization, we need to
discuss hall arrangement, technical equipment, webcast, catering and so on.
There is enough time for this.

I agree, that it is important to have an organizational meeting around 27th
of January and you can rely on me to do my best here in Sofia. In order to
book a hall for this meeting, I need to know, the most important, the
number of the people that can join.

@Dusan, can you please add *Tetiana Ivanova
<http://www.eurodig.org/about/team/shortbio-tetiana-ivanova/> *to follow
this conversations relating to ICANN-SEE as she is also part of the
organization of EuroDIG, she can help with organizational part in Bulgaria.
Thank you!

Ekaterina Dureva
Sofia, Bulgaria

* <http://www.eurodig.org/about/team/shortbio-tetiana-ivanova/>*
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