[Icann-see] Pre-EuroDIG SEE round table - organizational aspects
Lea Kaspar
lea at gp-digital.org
Thu Dec 11 17:59:16 CET 2014
Hi all,
Thank you Sorina for putting this informative brief together. As I
mentioned last week in Geneva, I'm happy to contribute if and where needed.
As there already seems to be a good and diverse group of people
volunteering for the executive committee, I'm happy to take the back seat
this time.
Looking forward to hearing about the next steps.
*Lea Kaspar*
Development House, 56–64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT
T: +44 (0)20 7549 033*7* | M: +44 (0)7583 929216 | Skype: l.kaspar
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Siranush Vardanyan <
siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> And one additional information for this group as well related to my
> nomination of Lianna. ISOC Armenia already is working on the proposal to be
> submitted for EuroDIG and Lianna is a part of this team from ISOC and ISOC
> Leadership is aware of this, as recently we met during the press conference
> on IDN issues and discussed the potential participation from ISOC Armenia
> for the meeting in Sofia.
> Thanks again.
> Best
> Siranush
> ------------------------------
> From: siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com
> To: ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com; sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro;
> icann-see at rnids.rs
> Subject: RE: [Icann-see] Pre-EuroDIG SEE round table - organizational
> aspects
> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 23:43:50 +0000
> Dear Narine,
> Thanks for your question. For everyone in this list and for your
> information, I am proposing Lianna's name on my PERSONAL behalf, and I am
> in this list also on my personal behalf and not as APRALO member, or ISOC
> Armenia member. I am in this list for EuroDIG because I always volunteered
> to be a part of this team related to EuroDIG issues since 2007 and I am NOT
> proposing Lianna with her leadership approval or disapproval (and unlike
> you I didn't contact anyone). I just know Lianna is a very active in IDN
> topic and she is also a part of discussions on establishment of permanent
> IGF, thus I assumed that she could be a very good part of this team and
> many people in this team also knows Lianna in person, so I am not
> nominating someone who is completely not aware of EuroDIG issues.
> By the way, this group is open and anyone can nominate himself/herself and
> if you are interested, you may also nominate yourself to be a part of this
> organizing committee. My intention here is to involve as many people from
> Armenia as possible to make participation from our country relevant, as
> this is very important for as many people working in IT sphere be informed
> about EuroDIG and become a part of EuroDIG discussions. And you are also
> more than welcome to outreach about this event and be a part of any
> discussions. My approach is to spread the word to as many stakeholders as
> possible and if you can help with this, just wonderful, go ahead.
> And last point, wherever I participate, I do it on volunteer basis and on
> my own capacity and will continue to do it, unless I officially state on
> whose behalf I am doing this or that activity. Hope this clarifies your
> question. If you have more questions, you know how to reach me by phone.
> Thanks
> Siranush
> ------------------------------
> From: ms.narine.khachatryan at gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 01:52:10 +0400
> To: sorina.teleanu at cdep.ro; icann-see at rnids.rs
> Subject: Re: [Icann-see] Pre-EuroDIG SEE round table - organizational
> aspects
> Hi all again,
> Siranush, could you kindly explain on behalf of whom are you writing? Are
> you making proposals to this list (regarding EuroDIG outreach, etc.) on
> behalf of APRALO (The Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Organization)?
> I have spoken to ISOC Armenia leadership today, they are not informed
> about your proposals.
> Regards,
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 4:33 PM, Siranush Vardanyan <
> siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sorina and all,
> Thanks for this e-mail. Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate
> in the planning meeting in January, and I would like to nominate Lianna
> Galstyan from ISOC Armenia, who is a part of the discussions related to
> EuroDIG, who is also planning to submit a proposal for EuroDIG and who can
> be an outreach person from Armenia to spread the world in the country
> itself. She is CC-ed in the communication (as she is not a part of this
> mailing list). You can contact her and clarify the details if needed.
> But I myself will stay as a part of this team to support in future works
> remotely if possible.
> Thanks again
> Best
> Siranush
> >
> >
> > ---
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Siranush Vardanyan <
> siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sorina, dear all,
> Thanks for starting this discussions.
> Related to information spread, I am trying to reach several parties in
> Armenia, to inform people to apply with proposals.
> I have talked with the rep from ISOC, who are eager to participate and
> provide the info related the new development of local content, which many
> of you know the news (https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-11-20-en
> IDN ccTLD Request from Armenia Successfully Passes String Evaluation
> <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-11-20-enIDN%20ccTLD%20Request%20from%20Armenia%20Successfully%20Passes%20String%20Evaluation>).
> In December ISOC is planning to have a general meeting and I am going to
> mention about this opportunity to all members as well, as there are many IT
> related organizations, whose members are also members of local ISOC chapter.
> As far as I am aware, the main issue is still funding, if there are any
> funds available for people from Eastern countries to come to Sofia, both to
> pre-event and to EuroDIG itself. many people can come (at least local ISOC
> who is also ccTLD have difficulties to fund participation, but I will also
> raise the importance of providing at least some funds for participation).
> I agree with Sorina's point here of having two sessions during pre-event,
> with one general accent of IG and the second - best practices, experience
> sharing.
> As for volunteering, you can count on me as well to be a part of the
> discussions, to share the info with local community, to encourage
> participation as much as possible.
> My two cents for now.
> Best
> Siranush
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> Icann-see mailing lista
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> --
> Narine Khachatryan
> Safer Internet Armenia www.safe.am
> Media Education Center www.mediaeducation.am
> Yerevan, Armenia
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