[Icann-see] News from Sofia

Dušan Stojičević dusan at dukes.in.rs
Mon Dec 8 23:00:37 CET 2014

Dear all,

Domain Forum 2014 <http://domainforum.global/> was held in Sofia on 
December 5.
As You can see from agenda, the topic of the last panel was "Internet 
governance and ICANN" with panelists:
Hristo Hristov, e-Governance Directorate, MTITC
Jean-Jacques Sahel, Vice-President Europe, ICANN
Lee Hibbard, Internet Policy Coordinator, Council of Europe
Stephane Van Gelder, Chairman and Managing Director, Milathan
and myself.

The panel was very good, and some interesting topics and problems were 
defined on this event. We were talking about situation in the region, 
education of the governments, transition of IANA function, ICANN NomCom 
and election, and hot Bulgarian topic - multi-stake holder approach for 
making .бг IDN ccTLD policies.

Sorry for interruption and all best,
Dušan Stojičević

avast! antivirus zaštita je aktivna stoga ova e-pošta nema virusa i zlonamjernih programa.
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