[rsnog] Podsetnik za RSNOG 9 / RSNOG 9 Reminder

Slobodan Marković sloba.markovic at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 14:04:41 CET 2023

[english version below]
Dragi prijatelji,

Ovo je podsetnik za sve da se vidimo sutra na RSNOG konferenciji u Muzeju nauke i tehnike!!

Program je objavljen na adresi:


Na istom mestu ćete naći i link za strim (ko se nije registrovao za učešće uživo).

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Dear friends,

This is a reminder that the RSNOG conference will be held tomorrow at the Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade!!

The program can be found at the following address:


There is also a link to the stream on the same page (for those who have not registered for on-site participation).



From: Slobodan Marković <smarkovic at netcentar.org>
Date: Monday, 23 October 2023 at 09:17
To: rsnog at lists.rnids.rs <rsnog at lists.rnids.rs>
Subject: Deveta RSNOG konferencija 9. novembra u Beogradu / Ninth RSNOG Conference on November 9th in Belgrade
[english version below]

Dragi prijatelji,

Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo da vas obavestim o sledećem (i sugerišem da se registrujete<https://forms.gle/DVLJ9cSMCTp7is467> što pre, jer će mesta za prisustvo uživo biti još možda dan-dva):

Godišnja konferencija Grupe mrežnih operatora Srbije – RSNOG biće održana 9. novembra 2023. godine u Muzeju nauke i tehnike u Beogradu. Konferencija će okupiti domaće i inostrane stručnjake koji će ponuditi svoja iskustva, razmišljanja i predloge kako da internet bude brži, pouzdaniji i bezbedniji.

Uvodno predavanje o upotrebi DNS sistema za podizanje nivoa bezbednosti mreža operatora održaće Andronikos Kirjaku iz kompanije Whalebone, nakon čega će biti reči o najčešćim problemima koji se javljaju u mrežama srpskih internet operatora iz perspektive SOX-a, kao najveće domaće tačke razmene internet saobraćaja.

Posle diskusije o konceptu i potrebi pokretanja nacionalnog DNS resolvera, koju će voditi Registar nacionalnog internet domena Srbije – RNIDS, predstavnik organizacije RIPE NCC predstaviće novu verziju mreže Atlas sondi za merenje globalnog internet saobraćaja.

Prepodnevni blok biće okončan sesijom tokom koje će posetioci moći da čuju interesantne priče o prilagođavanju mreža domaćih operatora velikim količinama saobraćaja, koje nastaju usled prenosa sportskih i drugih događaja uživo.

U nastavku programa biće održan okrugli sto operatora tokom koga će predstavnici Telekoma Srbija, Yettel–a i A1 govoriti o tome kako vode računa o životnoj sredini, zaposlenima i široj zajednici. Održivo poslovanje kompanija u skladu sa ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) principima postaje sve značajnije, a učesnici okruglog stola će obrazložiti na koji način sprovođenje ovih principa utiče na planiranje mreže, upravljanje saobraćajem, potrošnju energije, odnose sa dobavljačima i investitorima.

Predstavljanje konkretnih zelenih inicijativa domaćih operatora započeće predstavnica A1 prezentacijom projekata postavljanja solarnih panela za napajanje baznih stanica, a nastaviće se izlaganjem direktora Zelendata centra, koji će govoriti o iskustvima trogodišnje primene “immersion cooling” sistema za hlađenje opreme.

Program konferencije zaključiće Vadim Volovik iz kompanije Yandex govoreći o tome kako se primenjuje automatizacija u mreži ove velike cloud kompanije.

Na kraju konferencije biće održan tradicionalni nagradni RSNOG kviz o poznavanju internet umrežavanja, informacione bezbednosti i cyber kulture. Ove godine sponzor kviza je Pulsec, vodeća domaća kompanija u oblasti cyber bezbednosti.

Devetu RSNOG konferenciju organizuje Grupa mrežnih operatora Srbije (RSNOG – RS Network Operators’ Group) pod pokroviteljstvom Registra nacionalnog internet domena Srbije i Serbian Open Exchange – SOX, a uz podršku Team Cymru, RIPE NCC, FlexOptic, Pulsec, Zelendata centra i Orion Telekoma.

Registracija za prisustvo na konferenciji je otvorena. Konferencija je besplatna zahvaljujući pokroviteljima i sponzorima, ali je registracija<https://forms.gle/DVLJ9cSMCTp7is467> posetilaca obavezna zbog ograničenog broja mesta. Program konferencije će moći da se prati i onlajn na sajtu rsnog.rs<http://rsnog.rs>.

* * *

Dear friends,

It gives me great pleasure to notify you of the following (and to urge you to register<https://forms.gle/DVLJ9cSMCTp7is467> as soon as possible, because there will be places for in-person attendance for another day or two):

The annual conference of the Serbian Network Operators’ Group – RSNOG will be held on November 9, 2023, at the Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade. The conference will bring together local and international experts who will share their experiences, thoughts, and solutions for making the internet faster, more reliable, and safer.

Andronikos Kyriakou of the company Whalebone will give an introductory lecture on how to leverage the DNS system to improve the security of operator networks. This will be followed by a discussion of the most prevalent issues in Serbian internet networks as seen from the perspective of SOX, Serbia’s largest internet exchange point.

Following a discussion on the concept and need for launching a national DNS resolver, facilitated by the National Internet Domain Registry of Serbia – RNIDS, a representative from RIPE NCC will introduce the new version of the Atlas probe network for measuring global internet traffic.

The morning block will conclude with a collection of interesting stories on how local operators are adapting their networks to handle huge volumes of traffic generated by live streaming of sports and other events.

The program will continue with a roundtable discussion featuring executives from Telekom Srbija, Yettel, and A1. Sustainable business practices based on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles are becoming increasingly important, and roundtable participants will discuss how these principles impact network planning, traffic management, energy consumption, supplier and investor relations.

The presentation of specific green initiatives by local operators will begin with an A1 representative describing a project to install solar panels to power base stations. The director of the Zelendata Center will then give a presentation about their three years of experience using the immersion cooling technology for cooling data center equipment.

The conference program will finish with Vadim Volovik of Yandex presenting the use of automation in this large cloud company’s network.

At the end of the conference, there will be a traditional RSNOG quiz on internet networking, information security, and cyber culture. Pulsec, a leading Serbian cybersecurity company is this year’s quiz sponsor.

The Serbian Network Operators’ Group is organizing the ninth RSNOG conference under the auspices of the National Internet Domain Registry of Serbia and Serbian Open Exchange – SOX, with the support of Team Cymru, RIPE NCC, FlexOptic, Pulsec, Zelendata Center, and Orion Telecom.

Registration for the conference is now open. The conference is free to attend thanks to our sponsors, but visitor registration<https://forms.gle/DVLJ9cSMCTp7is467> is required due to limited seats. The conference program will also be streamed online at rsnog.rs<http://rsnog.rs>.


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