[rsnog] "Internet Protocol version 10 (IPv10)"

Goran Slavic gslavic at sox.rs
Fri Sep 8 10:42:30 CEST 2017

Slažem se da i takve šale itekako imaju upotrebnu vrednost.


Još ako se u specifikaciju stavi da ne mora (ali je poželjno) da bude "compliant"  i sa:

- RFC 2549 (IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service)

- RFC 6214  (Adaptation of RFC 1149 for IPv6)


Ni jedan "šarlatan" vam neće promaći u eliminaciji !





From: rsnog [mailto:rsnog-bounces at lists.rnids.rs] On Behalf Of Berislav Todorovic
Sent: 08 September 2017 10:26
To: rs nog; RSNOG
Subject: Re: [rsnog] "Internet Protocol version 10 (IPv10)"


Ovo sa satelitima je za medalju ... Kablovi izmedju satelita - genijalna ideja za kreacioniste, ravnozemljase i slicne kreature.

Mada, dokument je ozbiljan kandidat za prvoaprilski RFC, kojih ima prilicno:




Inace, ako niste znali, ti saljivi RFC-ovi imaju ponekad i poneku ozbiljnu namenu. Tipican primer su tenderi za opremu.

U tendrskoj dokumentaciji (RFI/RFP) lepo navedete koje RFC standarde oprema mora da zadovoljava, pa pomenete izmedju ostalog i RFC1149 (premos IP paketa golubijom postom). I samo posmatrate kako vendori glatko cekiraju tu opciju i kazu "compliant" bez razmisljanja. Idealna stvar da eliminisete neozbiljne igrace.





On 7 September 2017 at 14:52, Predrag Ivanovic <predivan at mts.rs> wrote:

(ako je ovo već bilo na listi, izvinjavam se unapred)

"Internet Protocol version 10 (IPv10)
        IPv10 allows hosts from two IP versions (IPv4 and IPv6) to be able
  to communicate, and this can be accomplished by having an IPv10
  packet containing a mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the same
  IP packet header.

        From here the name of IPv10 arises, as the IP packet can contain
   (IPv6 + IPv4 /IPv4 + IPv6) addresses in the same layer 3 packet  header."

Ali moj apsolutni favorit, istog autora, je

"Satellite Internet (SI) Specification
        SI works by using a space network of satellites that surrounds the whole earth,
     connected to each others using fiber optic cables, and have coverage areas that
     covers the whole earth without frequency interference as shown in the following
                        *                      **                       *
                      *                        **                        *
                 S8 //                         **                         \\ S2
                   // *                        **                        * \\
                   *      *                 S9 ** S10                 *     *
                  *           *\\            ------             //*          *
                 *          S15 \\ S16       ------        S17 // S18         *
                *                *             **             *                *
               *                   *           **           *                   *
              *                      *         **         *                      *
             *                         *       **       *                         *
            *                 S23        * S11 ** S12 *        S25                 *
        S7 ||****************------**********------**********------****************|| S3
            *                 S24        *     **     *        S26                 *
             *                         *       **       *                         *
              *                      *         **         *                      *
               *                   *           **           *                   *
                *                *         S13 ** S14         *                *
                 *          S19 \\ S20       ------        S21 // S22         *
                  *            * \\          ------           //*            *
                   *       *                   **                   *       *
                 S6 \\ *                       **                       *  // S4
                     \\                        **                         //
                      *                        **                         *
                         *                     **                      *

        - Each satellite covers a specific area of the earth.
        - Each satellite holds routers connected to other routers on other satellites using  fiber optic cables.
        - Each satellite is connected to an earth station which is connected to the Internet   core network on earth."



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