[rsnog] Fwd: Register now for SEE 6/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting in Budva

Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at ripe.net
Fri Mar 3 12:26:31 CET 2017

Vidimo se!!


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ncc-announce] [meetings] Register now for SEE 6/RIPE NCC 
Regional Meeting in Budva
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 11:21:33 +0100
From: SEEurope <seeurope at ripe.net>
To: ncc-announce at ripe.net

Dear colleagues,

Join us for the sixth South East Europe (SEE 6)/RIPE NCC Regional 
Meeting on the stunning shores of the Adriatic. SEE 6 will be held at 
the Hotel Mediteran in Budva, Montenegro on 12 and 13 June 2017.

The meeting is open to everyone and attendance is free of charge. 
Register for your place:

This meeting builds on the great success of past RIPE NCC Regional 
Meetings and covers a wide range of topics, including:
- IPv4 scarcity and IPv6 deployment
- Commercial transactions of IPv4 addresses
- Data centre technologies
- Network, DNS and IXP operations
- Internet governance and regulatory practices

Regional presentations on Internet related topics are welcome! Please 
submit your presentation proposals by 20 March here:

We invite academics researching Internet-related topics to apply for the 
RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI). If your application is 
successful, we will cover your travel and accommodation expenses, and 
give you a chance to present your work. More information is online:

Complete information about the meeting can be found at:

I look forward to seeing you in Budva!

Best regards,

Martina de Mas

Conference Coordinator
RIPE Network Coordination Centre

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