[rsnog] "Juniper Networks introduces Junos software disaggregation"

Predrag Ivanovic predivan at mts.rs
Mon Dec 21 20:25:54 CET 2015

Citat iz PR[1]
"[...]With the disaggregated Junos software, customers will for the first time
 be able to develop and install third-party applications directly on
supported Juniper switching systems, as well as run
the disaggregated Junos software on
Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) compliant third-party switches." 

Pretpostavljam da je ovo reakcija na white-box switch/NOS trend.
Pod uslovom da cena licenciranja sw/cena hardvera budu razumni(video sam neke price o ceni od 400$/portu),  koliko je ovo 
primamljivo, iako mnogi detalji jos uvek nisu poznati[2]?

Svic koji su testirali gospoda iz Sox-a je ONIE-compliant, tako da bi bilo interesantno poredjenje performansi
PicaOS vs Junos na istom hw.
Mozda na sledecoj RSNOG konferenciji :) ?  



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